Return to Life With The Creepypastas: 10 - The Perfect Walker

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Kinda Yandere-ish behavior included, I believe. Also some gruesome(?) stuff but this is... Creepypasta... Feel free to skip this chapter of course.


I was going around the mansion carrying Former on my back just because and we ended up running into something weird...well, not something, more like someone, but this guy generally kinda disturbs me and I don't know why...I don't even know him very well.

The doctor stood in our way blocking the path to the stairs, smirking at me while holding a syringe in his hand, tapping the needle without a drop of hesitance.

"Well well, hello Mx. Walker," He scoffed, slightly tilting his head, "it seems every time I try to approach you just narrowly manage to escape me. Seems like I've finally caught up with you."

I look around myself awkwardly and then at Smiley in confusion, " seems so? Hahah...yeah, nice. ....Anyways, I'm kinda busy here, I'm playing trains with Former."

"(Y/N) isn't supposed to tell people that, others will think (Y/N) and Former are stupid!"

"...Listen you blue teletubby keep quiet up there."

Former grumbled and lowered his head on top of mine while I try and step up to the stairs, making it clear that I'm trying to get past but Smiley still stands there, unmoving and watching me with that crazy look he's always got in his eye.

I heave a sigh, already figuring my day is somehow going to end up going to shits with this guy getting involved in some way shape or form.

"Do you need something Dr. Smiley."

"Actually I do Mx. (Y/N), I'm so glad you asked."

I feel Former's grasp around my neck tighten and he mutters as he glared at Smiley, "Former never gets to hang out with (Y/N), bother them another time."

"It's alright Former," I sigh, "we can play stupid games later. Why don't you go find Kagekao?"

Former groaned loudly before hopping off of my back and sauntering away, his shoulders slumped. I glance back to Smiley and it seems as if his smirk had grown wider, "I hope you won't mind, but I appreciate your help in testing out an 'experiment'. If everything goes well, the results will be an absolute breakthrough~."

"Oh yeah...what's this 'experiment' about?"

"Well...'it' is all apart of the surprise... I'd ruin the secrecy of it if I were to tell you now? Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be very grateful with the results~"

...Grateful? Sure I guess. Hope this experiment includes me testing out food or something, because my stomach is growling and I'm starving. However knowing my luck, this is probably gonna have nothing to do with food and something stupid will happen to me. I'm only agreeing to this because I'm bound to some shitty plot where me getting tortured is what drives my life story and I can't really backtalk the person writing everything so...

"I'll take you to my very own abandoned facility later, around 6; it is there where we will commence with the experiment," Smiley told me, finally descending down the rest of the stairs and moving out of the way, "I'll see you then, wonderful Walker."

He then dipped his head and spun on his heel, walking off.

He still kinda weirds me out a bit, I guess extra points to him as a Creepypasta, but I figured that maybe taking part in his experiment thingy would probably help me get to know him better or something...? I dunno. As long as he isn't worse than Kagekao I think I might be able to warm up to the mad doctor...

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