50 ⦻ General Lin̸͉̠̘̲̼̼̩͗͒̕͝͝guine

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- - - (Y/N)'s p. o. v - - -

Welp, Masky gets farther than me running out of the room because as soon as I'm about to hop down the stairs behind him, a random ass door appears in front of me and opens, and suddenly I'm jumping right into an empty space.

I land on the other side of the door, and hear it shut behind me.

"Huh. That's new," I grunt, lifting my head from up off the ground as I look around me. I see that I'm back in my own room again, and I notice someone walking up to me. I look up seeing Jason The Toymaker coming up to me with a smirk on his face.

'Oh great. The one guy that made me look stupid during that whole Anti-pasta incident is here...'

I glare at him after picking myself up off the ground and flash him a smirk, "Hello again, Jason. Made anyone cry today with your snobby attitude?"

He tilted his head at me, "No, sadly, but it's only 5:00 so there's still time."

I rolled my eyes at the shit-eating grin that forms on his face and grumble, "Why are you even here. Did I do to piss you off again? Something like last time with the cube that's practically out of my control??"

He chuckled, "Funnily, yes. In fact, all that is happening just might be your fault again."

"Oh come on!"

Jason suddenly held up his hand to me and slowly something materialized in mid-air. Floating just slightly above his palm was now the image of the same stupid cube thingy from the whole Slasher incident a while back. I noticed that the strange device was slightly shifting and distorting unlike I've ever seen before.

"I have a question for you..." Jason muttered, staring at the faltering shape in his hand. "Did you happen to do anything way out of the ordinary lately by chance?"


'I'm just going to completely ignore whole teleporting Slender thing.'

"Truly?" Jason glanced at me with a questioning glare, "Is that so? Because if I'm not mistaken I've heard directly from your superior that-"

"Allllllrightttttt..." I interrupt him as soon as I hear Slender had already told him, "since you hEaRd fRoM mY sUpErIoR... Somehow, I managed to summon SlenderMan without really meaning to." I sigh and avert my eyes from his direction, expecting some sort of chastisement from him. "Summon SlenderMan...That's a feat that's been unheard of for...ages," I hear him respond with genuine intrigue, and I slowly look back at him. "Let me guess. It had something to do with the cube, didn't it?"

"My theory is that you and the cube are interconnected, and the fact that you initiated such a powerful ability of summoning a powerful being, even for a short while caused massive disruption to the cube."

'What even- what kind of disruption?'

I glare between Jason and the object with slight apathy, but after some time of staring at the cube, I notice that strangely it seemed to wane in its glitchy behavior as long as I was focused on it.

Jason seemed to take notice of this too and smiled broadly, then twisting his hand in a manner to make the cube vanish from his palm. "I'm certain my theory is correct...and that very fact means that having you and the cube in such a close proximity when your mentality is shrouded by Zalgo's will is not the best idea. It...also means that you have a few things you need to keep under control..."

"...Like what?"

"For starters, you're not allowed to summon anyone again."

I rolled my eyes at him and mutter, "That was out of my control, Big Red. It kinda just...happened, without me really knowing what was going on."

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