49 ⦻ - Masky Actually Cares

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- - - Masky's p. o. v, a bit earlier after (Y/n) left Slander - - -

I'm just in the kitchen trying to enjoy my day off from having to do anything. Unfortunately, the enjoyment part isn't working out.

Drinking coffee trying to keep myself awake, I wonder why I bothered to worry about (Y/N) so much last night. I spent all night awake worrying about that pest-I mean, my fellow proxy.

Yeah, they've been acting kinda funny lately, but I always thought they were generally weird. They'd get over the little mood they're in...


I frown looking down at the cup. There I go thinking about (Y/N) again. I sigh and decide I'll just sit in front of the TV all day like all the other no-lifers here.

When I walk into the living room, the first thing I see is a huge block tower of legos touching the ceiling, and then I see what looks like Jeff getting ready to hurl Toby into said tower of legos.

"Oh...oh no...what the hell are you doing now, Toby..." I mumble tiredly. This is ridiculous.

"Hey Masky, nice to see ya this morning. Jeff and I are just trying to test something out!" Toby responded.

I see Sally nearby watching the two nervously. "Toby, what are you doing? Aren't you a grown man?" Sally asked, tilting her head. "Quiet pipsqueak, this is for important testing matters," Toby exclaimed. "Alright Jeff, throw me at em!"

"You don't have to tell me twice" Jeff responded before shoving Toby with all his might into the tower.

I cringed hearing the loudest crashing sound that could possibly be made and then watch through one eye as legos shoot all across the living room and into the kitchen and just everywhere.

The headache I got from simply witnessing this, I'm surprised it didn't kill me. I sort of wish it did.

Without saying a word, I just walk away with my coffee with the sounds of Jeff cackling in the background and Sally and Toby screaming about the intensity of the explosion.

I pass by the Slender Hall and that's when I notice at the corner of my eye SlenderMan speaking with (Y/N), I think.

I stop to eavesdrop a bit.

"It's important that none else in this manor finds out about this. This is only to keep order and so no one will panic."

"Yeah I get it. Don't worry I won't tell anyone."

"Very well."

I then see Slender disappear from view and (Y/N) turns, beginning to walk in my direction.

I quickly try to make it look as if I was just walking by. (Y/N) looks at me weirdly so I give an awkward smile.

"Hello Walker....how're you feeling this morning?"

"How are you feeling this morning? You, Old man Timothy, wasting your breath to talk to me, (Y/N) who annoys you to the utmost max?"

"Well I guess you're feeling fine," I mutter, unamused. Although in (Y/N)'s voice I can tell they were upset sounding. It seems like they're hiding something and they are using all their energy to hide how they actually feel.

(Y/N) looks quietly at me for a bit before starting to walk off. For some odd reason I bother following them. Curse my curiosity.

"So uh...have you seen the Boss around?"

"Slenders' busy."


I follow (Y/N) as they walk all the way to their room, trying to start up a conversation but they keep giving me short answer responses. Once they get to their door, they turn and look at me with a strange expression.

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