9 ⦻ Kate Madge 😡

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Chapter brought by Sally "The Salt" Williams

- - - The Chaser's P.O.V - - -

"You're an idiot, Walker!!"

I raised (Cp/N) up again by their shirt and slammed them a second time into the ground, causing them to grit their teeth and squeeze their eyes shut. They were trying to grab my arms and fight me back, but I have the strength of a well trained proxy; they couldn't fight me off if they tried.

I didn't want to hurt them, but I was too blinded by my own anger to really care right now. What were they thinking? Running away? Why?? Don't they know what Slender Man would've done to them if he found out??

"Why would you do this?" I hiss, jarring my palms into their shoulders, "why would you run away?"

"I wasn't thinking, alright?!"


I then heard a scoff from behind me and turn to see BEN floating there, still hanging around with his arms crossed. "Can you not beat up (Y/N) like that? I kinda like them the way they are now..." He growled, glaring at me. "Can it loser, and get outta here before I ground you six feet under," I hiss venomously at him.

Seriously, I was pissed.

"I can't breathe, could you get off me so I can explain myself?" (Cp/N)'s voice sneered beneath me. I look back down at them and see that their teeth were clenched and their eyes were watery. I lighten my pressure on their shoulders and back off a bit.

"Why did you do it, Walker," I huffed, asking them my question again. "I'll explain, alright?" (Cp/N) murmured, their voice sounding angry and faint, "I just got lost in myself for a while....I thought I could go back home, I didn't think about what I was doing. I swear I rethought everything and was going to head back-"

"Why do you want to go back there? I thought you liked it with us?"

"First impression wasn't that great, you know," (Cp/N) sighed. "And yes, I like it with you guys a bit but like I said I wasn't thinking. Boredom got mixed with curiosity and I dared to push it."

They then covered their face with their hands and took a long, deep sigh while rubbing their face in frustration. They seemed really bothered about something, and I could tell they weren't telling me the whole story. "Are you going to tell Slenders on me?"

"....No. I'm not. But you have to come back to the mansion with me now."

(Cp/N) nodded and I slowly picked myself up, helping them along on their feet. They seemed a bit shaken from having experienced my strength and so I took their arm deciding to help them along. BEN floated over to us and glared at The Walker for a while before taking ahold of their other arm. They tensed a bit and I was about to shoo him away, but they surprisingly tugged the both of us closer and walked between us, keeping their head down.

We all walked in silence as we made our way back to the mansion...

- - - Your P.O.V - - -

I'm such a fucking idiot...

I felt horrible about everything. The way Kate looked so hurt when she caught me...how BEN apparently had followed me all the way out here...these guys truly seemed to 'care' about me.

I held onto their arms, pulling them closer to me and tried to keep myself from falling over from tiredness. I was sorta afraid to say anything to them, assuming that Kate was still angry, and I still felt a bit pissed off with BEN. Just having them there though was enough, and it made me deeply regret my decisions to try and run off in the first place.

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