Return to Life With The Creepypastas: 6 - Guess Whose Back...

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So, Slender slapped me this morning.

I was simply minding my own business: Sleeping.

I was sleeping soundly and I was having this really cool dream about that dancing party roach gif when suddenly I feel something hard clap against my cheek and my soul literally flew out of my body.

No seriously, I think I passed out and died for a second but when I came back, I sat up like I'd just escaped from nearly drowning in a pool and looked around in a panic.

I see SlenderMan standing over my bed with his arms crossed and his spaghetti tendrils just flying all over the place.

"I've been telepathically calling you for the past 3 hours, what is wrong with you!? And why are your dreams filled with nonsense??" Slender barked at me.

My eye twitched. I was so lost and so confused and so bewildered and so tired and just completely done with everything at that moment.

I couldn't take this anymore.

"......Welp. If it's a crime now to sleep and not be aware of literally anything going on outside then I may as well opt out," I sigh, slowly reaching under my pillow and bringing up a gun to my head.

"Where did you—Wait—no Walker STOP—!"

— — —

I slouched in my seat as SlenderMan was droning on to me and a few others he'd called about some kind of dumb vacation that he's planning to take.

I was trying my best not to fall asleep on him—even though after this morning's outright disrespect the last thing I wanted to even do was acknowledge Slender—but my eyes were feeling heavy and it was almost impossible for me to stay alert.

It took Jane constantly correcting my falling head back up for me to stay alert. "Listen (Y/N), you can head back to bed afterwards, just stay with me for now alright?" Jane whispered, probably starting to get tired of repeatedly doing this.

"So sorry," I whisper back, shaking my head. I notice Masky, Hoody, Jason, and Azumi—who were also there—all watching me with disappointed glares, so I rub my eyes and try to pay attention to Slender.

"Yes so as you are all now aware of your roles, I will be leaving the mansion's well-being in your hands, considering I trust you all," SlenderMan said, now stepping from behind his desk and waking over to the side of his office. "However, there is one more little...surprise I will be sharing with you. You will not be taking care of this place alone..."

SlenderMan approached the other locked up door in his office and opened it up.

The man that walks out is what actually causes me to fully awaken.

This man with gray skin, pitch black hair, a black suit with red sleeves and big black and red horns protruding from the sides of his head. Not to mention, the red eyes and mischievous crooked grin.

"ZALHOE??" I shout in bewilderment.

"Hello again (Y/N) The Walker, good to see you~" Zalgo fucking waved at me with a smug grin as he stepped up beside Slender.

Suddenly, I was having actual war flashbacks of everything he did to me and me basically taking a final hit from him that ended up in me entirely dying the last time I was here. It wasn't even sleep this time that caused my brain to literally shut down on itself and my eyes slowly rolled to the back of my head.

— — —

- - - Masky's p. o. v - - -

I watched in horror as (Y/N)'s body slid to the ground with a thud, then I stand from my seat and glare at Slender.

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