22 ⦻ Your New Mentally Unstable Family of 4

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(Y/N)'s p. o. v.

Me and the proxies spent hours fighting each other and getting me trained up a bit for my first day.

We were being overlooked by SlenderMan, so it was important that I did my best.

I know I tended to get goofy and mess around with Slender, but I did want to make him proud, so I did everything I could to be best.

Things were kind of rough, but luckily the proxies were very supportive of me.

I'm in the middle of a weaponless mock tussle with all four proxies, a 4 on 1. Hoodie punches me so hard in the face that I get stunned for a few seconds.

Kate takes a chance to slide by me and sweeps her leg into mine, causing me to flop backwards. Masky catches me before I hit the ground but then tosses me over onto the ground face forwards. When I thud to the ground, Toby slams a foot onto the back of my head, giving a victorious cheer.

This is fifth fucking time they've done this and they've destroyed me completely.

When Toby finslly removes his foot from my head, he and the others go to help me up.

"Very well you four, I'm proud of your team work to take down The Walker," SlenderMan said, clapping his hands together.

There's blood trickling down from my nose, and I wipe it away, letting out a sigh. "Slenders, can we stop with the 4 on 1 now? I don't understand how that's supposed to help me, four experienced killers going up against me whose only had a four hour lesson on how to throw a basic punch..."

SlenderMan shook his head and replied, "There are other forces and killers outside of this mansion who are enemies to us Creepypasta, some who are much stronger than us in many ways. You will not only be going out to kill humans. It is important you are ready to face any number under any condition. Trust me, after going against these four a few times, you will begin to come up with a way to avoid and conquer their attacks on you. You just have to be patient."

It's hard to remain patient when you've been outsmarted and pummeled to the ground countless times, but I guess what Slender says gos.

I wanted to try again and see if I could find a way to counter the proxies.

They've used different tactics each time, so usually I didn't know what to expect, but I was going to keep a sharper eye out now so I could try and get around their attacks.

The proxies were getting ready to attack me again, so I too ready myself, but more so to get beat up again.

This time it's Kate who lunges at me first with her incredible speed, so much that she was just a blur of white heading straight for me.

In that second I quickly dash aside so she would miss, but as she passed by me she reached out her arms and rung me by the neck, taking me down with her.

As soon as we hit the floor, I see Hoodie going to make his move so I quickly pull away from Kate getting myself back on my feet and am ready when Hoodie was swinging his arm at me.

I grab his hand, stopping it from reaching my face and grin, but then I hear him chuckle and he raises his knee, kneeing me in the stomach. I gag and stumble backwards, trying to keep myself together, gosh it hurt.

I hear foot steps behind me and an arm wrings around my neck, looks like Toby's sleeve.

I strain to turn around and I manage to maneuver behind him, being released from his hold and I wrap my arms around him from behind, planning to pick him up and do a backwards hurl on the ground.

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