53 ⦻ The Final Decision

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Third p. o. v.

The Creepypastas watched in a deathly silence as a sudden release of energy surged from where Zalgo and (Y/N) were trapped together. The explosion sent a wave of debris from the woodland floor flying in every direction, but no one was affected by the direct impact of the blast.

SlenderMan observed as the dust eventually subsided and saw something plummeting to the ground. Without wasting a second, he darted for the falling object, already knowing what it was.

(Y/N) landed in his arms; they looked in a pretty bad shape, as their usual (S/C) skin was now a smoky gray color with streaks of blue that could seen glowing and running along their veins. They basically looked more like a stone statue than they did human at this point.

"Walker..." SlenderMan sighed heavily as the Creepypastas began to quickly surround him to see what had happened to their housemate. BEN froze when he saw (Y/N)'s state. He grabbed his face with his fingers seemingly digging into his digitized form before falling to his knees, emitting a loud, distressed shriek. "Master...are they...?" Kate shuttered, her fists flexing as she tried to hold herself together. SlenderMan didn't respond as he kept his focus on the unmoving proxy. This... caused the others to react in mostly a negative reception.

"You should've taken it from them. You shouldn't have let them keep the damn cube, Slender, you said it yourself that it was dangerous!" Jeff shouted through clenched teeth. "I agree. That was a guilty mistake of yours, Father," Judge Angels hissed. "Even if SlenderMan had taken it away, that wouldn't have stopped Walker from using it to their advantage. Their emotions and resolve were directly connected with it," Jason spoke up defensively.

"(Y/N) sacrificed th-themself and sa-a-ved Slender though..." Toby muttered, his voice hoarse, "they saved a-all of us..."

"Yeah and thanks to them, Zalgo's dust," Zero sighed, "it's still not fair something couldn't be done to save them..."

Puppeteer looked at BEN and knelt beside him, patting his back, as he was now sobbing with his hands pressed tightly against his face. "I get it BEN. I lost my best friend too..." He barely whispered. Nina hugged herself and looked away, biting her lip. Masky removed his mask; his face looked genuinely distressed at the sight of his fellow proxy's state. Hoody lowered his head and held his hands together in respect, and LJ looked at him before copying the gesture. Kate remained breathing heavily as she looked between SlenderMan and (Y/N). She wasn't sure how to feel, it was too much.

"Can't you at least do something to save them???" EJ suddenly blurted out, stepping up to SlenderMan's side. Slender shook his head despairingly, "Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do this time..." Slender replied shaking his head.

Slender's tendrils suddenly spazzed when the sudden movement coming from in his arms caught him off guard.

"Wait. You're not even gonna try and come up with something to save me??? Shame spaghetti, shame..."

Just about everyone jumped at (Y/N)'s sudden remark, and SlenderMan was surprised to see that his proxies eyes had opened up and they were now glaring at him with a large smirk drawn on their face, despite their current state.

"(Y/N)!? You're alive!!!" Sally yelled, running over to SlenderMan's side and grabbing ahold of (Y/N)'s hand. She quickly let go out of shock however, and looked at (Y/N) nervously, "(Y/N), how come you feel like you're made of stone...?"

"No clue but hey, at least this probably increases my pain tolerance," (Y/N) chuckled a bit. SlenderMan was still stunned by (Y/N)'s apparent conscious state, and he slowly lowered them onto the ground to stand. (Y/N) stood a bit wobbly and weren't really able to hold themself up, but EJ came up to their side and helped them stand upright with his arm under theirs. "How the hell did you survive that explosion?" He questioned, sounding a mix of relived and dumbfounded. "Beats me," (Y/N) shrugged their shoulders, "but unfortunately, now I just look like someone dumped a full bucket of wet concrete on me."

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