12 ⦻ Meet The Slender Clan

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- - - Your P. O.V - - -

I was hanging out in the living room for a bit, watching the big TV since no one else was there and I was bored out of my mind. After a while, I spot Slender Man come gliding into the living room. I see him coming and immediately hop off the couch.

"Hey Slenders," I greet, walking up to him with a grin. I'm always trying to hold myself back from laughing whenever I see the bald faceless guy. I know he could read my mind, but sometimes it was just hard.

Slender Man sighed and shook his head, "I still fail to understand what you find so funny about me. Anyways, have you yet found your way around the mansion? Have you met all the others?"

"I know my way around, but I haven't met everyone yet. I'm still going around trying to meet them all."

"How would you like to meet some of my brothers?"

"You have brothers..." I say, glaring at him in disbelief. "Sadly, I do. But some of them don't bug me as much as others do so...they aren't TOO bad. Come with me."

Slender turned from me and began to glide away from the living room. Curious to see his brothers, I quickly follow behind him, stuffing my hands in my hoodie. Slender leads me to this very huge hall behind the living room area that had some doors on each side of the walls, just like the upstairs rooms. It was the same one we came to when he had to speak with me in his office yesterday.

Just like then, we walk into his office, but I notice that there are two other slender beings. "God, there's too many of you," I remark, "You, SlenderSebastian, and these two. Wow."

"That's not all, unfortunately. Anyways, come greet them."

I walk with Slender to the other two, and upon hearing us approaching, they turn their attention to us.

One guys' actually not as tall as Slender Man; he's kinda short but still taller than me. As expected, he had no face, yet he managed to look nervous and or afraid. He was wearing a long blue sweater and dark blue pants. The other guy was as tall as Slender, or maybe even a little taller. He had on a multi-colored polka dotted suit with a matching top hat that had a single red band , he held a black cane in hand and from his back were tendrils like Slender Man's except they had polka dots and bells at the ends. Unlike the other slender beings, this one had an annoying looking wide smile on its face.

Yep, this one had a face.

"(Cp/N), these are my two brothers, Splendor Man and Surrender Man."

Before I could even say anything, the tall one started squealing and held their hands up to their cheeks, grinning at me. "Who's this, Slendybrother!? They're absolutely adorable!!" He cried, looking like he was going to pass out right then and there. "Sp-Splendor calm down! Y-you're going to faint again!" The shorter slender stammered, grabbing his brothers arm and trying to calm him down.

"This is my newest proxy, they will be staying here at the manor with us. And Splendor, don't hurt yourself!"

"I can't help it! They're beautiful!!" Splendor said, then starting towards me.

I was contemplating running away but it was too late when Splendor Man grabbed me and picked me up, hugging me tightly. I couldn't breathe, but I didn't want to be rude. "Uhhhhh-HI?!?" I wheezed, trying not to die in his grasp. "Splendor! Put them down, you're going to hug them to death!" Slender sneered, reaching with his tendrils and pulling me out of Splendor's grasp. "I'm sorry Slendy! You know how I am when we have newcomers!" Splendor said, straightening his tie.

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