36 ⦻ Slender Let A Demon In The House???

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ㄒ卄乇 尺ㄖ丂乇 ᗪ乇爪ㄖ刀- "the zalgoid hybrid" pasta and art by The_Rose_Demon


- - - third p. o. v. - - -

"We've been hiding and watching for months now. I'm tired of waiting..."

"If you're so tired of waiting, get lost. You aren't obligated to join us, you know."

"I didn't ask to join either but if I go back, I'll seen as an accessory to crime...I'd rather take my chances with you guys."

A group of 'strange' people were gathered in a circle in a huge room. Silence befell them after the last one spoke, but after a while another talked again in a surprisingly soothing voice, despite the harsh words that were to follow.

"None of you should even begin to complain. Although I don't know what's up with some of you odd choices...we are being offered everything we desire just for this simple task. Think about that before you whine about having to wait."

A small laugh occurred, and then another spoke up, "Don't be upset. I sense that the first move will be made very soon. Ritz."

"Sooner than you think..."

All heads turned to see a strange tall man walking into the room. Red gleaming eyes fall upon the group, looking upon them with dark mischief. A strange mouthed cat with a detached head proudly trots in behind the man with its creepy slit eyes matching his.

"I understand this may seem like an odd group so far, but each of you hold the most important value of our goals here—deception. If you haven't noticed, our victim is rather stupid from what I can tell..."

No one responded to that, so the man chuckled and continued, "anyways, your patience has all paid off. We are nearing the time where the rift between worlds will be open and we can launch our final, winning attack. But first, we are obviously going to need "You-Know-Who" so that they don't get in our way. That's why today..."

The man's eyes fall upon the cloaked one who questioned the choices of members that formed this group. "Azumi," He called to them with a dark grin. "You know what to do, my trustworthy servant."

"Sure. But just make sure you keep your end of the deal," The cloaked one scoffed crossing her arms. "If we're on the same page, you'll get your little human toy."

- - - (Y/N)'s p. o. v - - -

Let's cut straight to the point: I got sick.

I was laying in bed attempting to rest myself when suddenly I feel constant pellets raining down upon my face until it was a whim avalanche of something unleashed upon me.

I barely had the energy to lift my head and see what was going on, so I weakly pull out some of the items that had fell onto my face and blink upwards, seeing I was surrounded by candies. I look and see Laughing Jack standing over me with a now empty bag.

"Laughing Jack. My buddy. My pal. What are you doing?" I questioned, my voice sounding wracked with sickness.

The clown smiled widely at me and scratched his head. "Offering you the best medicine to yer unfortunate fever! Candy makes everyone feel better, does it not? Don't you feel better now?"

I glare at him in silence for a long time and wonder if beings like LJ could get sick so I could start coughing on him. But that would just be unnecessarily mean and I guess he's only trying to help...

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