2 ⦻ You're A Proxy, (Y/N)

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We were now inside of the woods, trekking through the forlorn mass of overgrowth and mystery. I admit, I was a little more curious than concerned about where The Slender Man was leading me to. At a few points I did think of ditching the demon; I'm actually really good at sneaking away from things without anyone noticing since I'm pretty much invisible and ignored by everyone, but my instincts just forced me to comply with it.

I quickened my speed, trying to match pace with the entity who was moving rather fast, but being the idiot I am, I constantly slipped and tripped over every single little thing that jutted out of the fucking earth.

"You can't possibly be this clumsy, (CP/N)" Slender Man scoffed in my head. "Get ahold of yourself, if you you wish to be a useful proxy to me."

"FIRST of all," I snap at it, "I can hardly see where I'm going, it's freaking PITCH BLACK out here, and I can't glide over everything like you can. I'm stuck having to use my sorry legs."

I heard a sigh come from it afterwards and The Slender Man stops gliding. I quickly stop behind it, and look at it with a worn expression.

"Over time as my proxy, you will train here and get used to walking these grounds. You will also to learn navigate through this forest, and soon you won't travel through these woods without remembering every location of each and every tree. Not to mention, you will probably also be much more careful..."

It's blank pale face turns around to me and I simply shrug my shoulders, unsure of how to respond, and also I didn't want to piss it off by being a smartass. I still didn't fully understand what a "Proxy" was; my guess so far is that its basically a servant of some sort. Maybe being the servant of whatever this demon-like thing was sounded cool, but our initial meeting of it basically kidnapping me out of the blue just didn't sit right with me. I could've probably done something to get myself out of the situation, but honestly I'm too lazy to even bother. Ill just treat this like some very weird vacation off from school.

After what seemed like ten hours of me just trudging through dirt and Slender Man showing off "His" luxury of being able to glide, I finally started to feel fatigue from being drenched by the rain outside of the woods and having been walking for so godamn long without a break. I dont know why this man who has the ability to TELEPORT places couldn't just effortlessly snap us at our destination.

"Hey Mister Spaghetti, when are we gonna get to your place? We've been walking forever and I don't think a small two minute sit down would hurt, just saying," I speak up, tugging at my shirt that was now flattened to my body. Slender Man turned to me once again and said to me, "One thing that all my proxies have learned is to overcome showing weakness in any condition. That means pushing through even in the harshest situations. Walking for a little in the rain is nothing compared to what you will soon do for me."

"But, I'm not your proxy. Not yet."

I heard Slender Man sigh in my head again, then he muttered, "You are very annoying. You will fit right in."

"...Cool," I respond, flashing a small grin at him. I usually never fit in anywhere, at school, and even at home my parents think I'm weird and sometimes wave me off. If being annoying is a way around in this spaghetti mans' cult, then I'm 100% ready to go.

I keep in step behind The Slender Man as we continue walking, and he continues to speak to me with his telepathy "From the second you step into these woods with my consent, you have a title, wether it be that of a proxy or other else, you are to uphold your duty as to what you are. Is that understood?"

"Ok. So, since I'm considered this "proxy" title now, what exactly does that stand for? Like what will I do and stuff?"

"You aren't exactly a proxy yet. You will first traverse through what I will call 'ranks'. You are now a Vagabond, then you will become Under Influence and afterwards Awoken. Lastly, you will reach your destined rank, and hopefully from there you will become Adept. As you grow, you eventually reach the role of a 'True Proxy'."

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