25 ⦻ The Day You Become A Slenderpy Soldier

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(Y/n) 's p. o. v.

I had fallen asleep in the middle of cleaning up the mess in my room after the unexpected movie night with the others.

When I was up again, I was kind of out of it and in a daze, but I was able to quickly get out of it.

There was still a bit of mess in my room, crumbs on the floor and trash in some places, but it wasn't that much of a big deal for now.

There was no window in my room, so I looked over at my computer screen to see the time.

2:40 AM

Welp, about two more hours till I had to get up to go on my first mission anyways.

I clean up a bit more of the mess in my room, change into my creepypasta clothes, and then walk out of my room, grabbing my weapon at the same time.

I trek downstairs and see the lights are all off, but I see someone sitting on the couch and the TV is on high volume showing some show.

"Happy Appy Appy App, Happy Appy Appy Happ"

Sounds like a kid show. I notice the person sitting at the TV was SplendorMan, and he was watching with Sally sitting in his lap, also watching.

"Wow, you two are up.... Early..." I say, walking over to them with a confused expression at why an 8 year old was up at 2AM watching TV.

"Well this is the only time one of Sally's favorite shows is showing, and she refuses to miss it, so here we are!" Splendor replied.

Sally looks at me and giggles cutely.

I glare at her for a bit before walking over to her and petting her head. "You. You're too cute."

I then look at Splendor and grin, "You. You're weird."

"Aww, Thank you!"

It amuses me how Splendor takes almost everything as a compliment.

I chuckle to myself and leave the two to go grab something to eat before the proxies wake up and pester me.

For breakfast, I find myself with a bag of chips and a soda.

It probably wasn't the best choice considering I was going to need energy for this day in particular, but I was tired of eating the same cereal everyday.

I see Sally running into the kitchen cause I guess she heard the chip bag and she looked up at me pleadingly.

"No Sally, this is my breakfast."


"No Sally."

"Pwetty pleaseeeeeee???"

She blinks her eyes at me, a puppy dog expression on her face.


"Fine, take the whole bag. You win," I say, succumbing to her plead.

She giggles and takes the bag, digging into my beautiful chips.

Well, at least I had a soda left.

I cracked it open and was about to take a sip when a hand suddenly grabs the can and it's taken out of my grasp.

"Thanks Walker. Really needed the energy this morning," I see Toby smirking at me as he had stolen my soda and he winked before drinking from it.

"Wow. Toby, you butthead. Get your own next time!"

Toby laughs at me and I frown when I hear my stomach growl.

Now I'm gonna starve. Grand.

Sally stands on her tip toes and randomly places a chip on my head. I sigh, "thanks I guess,"and take the chip, eating it.

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