40 ⦻ Apprently These Guys Do Karaoke

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WARNING! some songs in this chapter contain strong language, metal, etc. but I tried my best to keep this in moderation. these songs will have "‼️" next to it so you can decide to skip it or not! hope you have fun reading. Also, some songs are pretty stupid or laughable. Just putting that out there. P.S, the comments are fucked out of order so expect confusion.

- - - (y/n)'s p. o . v - - -

I'm in Glitchy Red's room kicking back and playing video games with Zero and Glitchy himself. Me and Zero made a wager and are playing against Glitchy; whoever loses has gotta go out and buy him snacks from the grocery store.

"I've already went to the grocery store three times this week. I'm not stepping foot outside this mansion again!" I hiss, jamming the controls frantically in efforts to win. Unlike me and Zero, Glitchy was a video game entity, so of course he was managing do better than the both of us. He yawned and smirked as he played with less intensity than I, and to no one's surprise he was easily able to beat me.

"Of course I won!" He exclaimed triumphantly, "Now it's the two of you against each other and whoever loses' gotta go!" He tosses his controller at Zero and steps away from us. "Oh and also, no cheating you two. I wanna make sure the true loser does the work, fair and square~..."

We watch as he pulls a Pokéball from his vest and throws it next to Zero. My eyes widen as I see a glitchy version of Aggron spawn beside her, looking down at us with attentive eyes. "Okay, that's sick as fuck. Please, put it away," Zero growled, "I'm not gonna cheat."

"Yeah neither am I."

"Wether you cheat or not, I get to show off my cool Pokémon."

The two of us groan and turn back to the game, about to start the round. However before we could start playing, a loud knock comes at Glitchy's door and the entity immediately glitches to it, opening it.

"Guys, Slender's calling a meeting and he wants everybody downstairs," It was ClockWork standing at the door, leaned against the frame. "What?? Why now!" Glitchy shouted at her. ClockWork shrugs and removes herself from the doorframe, walking away from the room without another word.

"Haha Glitch, guess we've gotta see what Slender wants!" Zero exclaimed jumping up from the floor. She seemed happy to be getting out of the match between me and her-probably because of my time being here at the mansion I've played a lot with BEN and I've gotten decently good at video games myself.

"You losers aren't getting away, this continues after the meeting," Glitchy sighed, returning Aggron to his Pokeball and running after Zero. I go to follow the two of them and am met with a bunch of the Creepypastas all trying to get downstairs. Of course there's a crowd.

After fighting through most of them taking their sweet time, I finally get downstairs and see Slender and his relatives in the living room standing in front of or near the TV. Everyone was either gathered on the couch or standing around it.

I scutch up next to Puppeteer who was just standing behind the couch and I punch his arm with a grin. He looks down and sees me and smiles, then rests an elbow on my head. ✨Best Friends

"All of you please be quiet," Slender finally speaks, quieting everyone who was in the room. "Today, I have planned a little 'fun' for all of us-"

Murmurs broke out among the pastas before Slender could even finish speaking. Slender clenched his fists as the noises in the room increased, then held up his hand for everyone to shut up. "Would you all let me finish? Anyways, I have decided I will spare you all some 'fun' today. I took suggestions-Splendor suggested Karaoke Night, so that is what we will be doing."

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