29 ⦻ Rizzing Up Pastas By Doing Absolutely Nothing

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(y/n)'s p. o. v

I really expected to get home and breathe after the day I had causing a massacre in that high school but no, of course not. Instead I get one of the weirdest, most uncomfortable incidents to ever happen to me.

After returning home with Jeff, we shocked quite a lot of the Creepypasta with how bloodied up we were. We explained what had happened at the school and it got us a lot of praise from the others-I was most happy hearing SlenderMan praise me for what I did.

"It seems you are starting to warm up to the whole killing deal," He said, folding his arms behind his back. "Very well my proxy."

I grinned happily hearing Slender's words. After a long time of talking to some of the pastas and after everyone was done crowding around me and Jeff, I eventually stumbled to my room to go get cleaned from all this blood.

On my way, I noticed one of the creepies were following me behind so I turned and see Judge Angels there, still smiling at me in admiration.

"I still can't get over what you did!" She sighed, placing her hands against her cheeks. "You seem much more braver and daring than the other proxies to me~"

I shake my head, "Nah I'm not anything compared to them yet. Besides, it wasn't in my original plan to kill so many people."

"You still pulled off though, didn't you? You guilty snake!"

I laughed awkwardly and wave at her before starting for my room again but I stop when I still hear her footsteps trailing behind me. I turn to the blonde and glare at her questioningly.

"Uh JA? Did you need something..?"

"Err no! Not really..."
She looked away from me shyly.

"...Okay. I'm going to go into my room now."

"I'm not stopping you..!"

She's acting strange.

I nod and walk up to my room, opening the door. I step inside and turn to look at her again. She stands across the hall by Puppeteer's room just looking at me while rubbing her arms.

I sigh and close the door, wondering what in the world she's up to.


After taking a bath and putting on clean clothes (whatever you may usually wear), I relax in my room for a bit before heading out, thinking maybe I could go hang with the proxies or something.

When I open the door, I see a letter on the floor with my name drawn on it and pick it up, examining it curiously.

My name was written in cursive-and in blood.
The Bloody Painter.

I open up the envelope and pull out a card. The card displays what looks like an incredible and detailed drawing of me and my victims from today surrounding me. "Aw neat. I'll thank Painter for this," I say to myself, placing the card back in its envelope.

"Thank Painter for what?"

The sudden voice from beside me nearly made me jump and I turned seeing Judge Angels standing next to me. Unlike before, she looked a bit upset with me.

"This thingy. He drew me a picture, see?" I say, handing her the envelope. She takes it from me takes out the card, staring at it for a bit. Her face turns red and she looks like she's visibly getting angry for some reason, then she unexpectedly ripped apart the card to shreds and dropped the shreds all on the floor.

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