41 ⦻ The Typical 'Y/N'

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(Y/N2)'s p. o. v

Hi, My names Sakura Emeraldrose Sapphire Nightdemon Rainbowdarkness, but everyone calls me (Y/N2)! I'm 4'11 and I wear all black and I hate it when people call me cute. If anyone ever calls me cute, I'll beat them up because I'm also a badass. ÙwÚ

My life is so miserable and sad and oh did I mention I'm emo? Yeah, I'm not like other girls...oh yeah and I'm also a girl because male and non-binary Y/N's don't exist, duh!!

Anyways, my backstory. I used to be a happy child that singed to birds and wore cute dresses and skipped through daisys while animals followed me like a Disney princess, that is until my world turned upside down when my mom tripped over a stick while taking a walk one day and broke open her skull. >XP

So then my Dad was so heartbroken and furious by the incident that he blamed it all on me and he became a violent drunkard that beat me every single night and caused me to suffer. I cried every single night until I became emotionless.

I started to take the beatings with a straight face because I'm so emotionless. Although I still laugh through the pain like a psychopath but my Dad just beats me worse because of it.

Anyways, nowadays I just sit in my bed because I'm depressed and I listen to music while it rains outside and think about my pathetic sad life in my black oversized hoodie and black skinny jeans along with my hair falling over my face.

...Oh shit wait, today's a school day.

"(Y/N)!!!! Get the fuck outta my house and hic-GET TO SCHOOL!"
I heard my Dad's furious drunken voice slur from outside of my room.

"O-O-Okay D-Dad...!"

Ugh, I swear one day I'm gonna kill this old bastard. But I can't today because you've gotta see what my sad school life is like.

I pull on a different black hoodie; my favorite cat hoodie with ears on the hood and large comfy sleeves! :3 I also pull on a black and white flannel skirt and knee high stockings with my favorite black combat boots. Lastly, I make sure my hair is falling over my secret sharingan orb that no one is supposed to know about. If I didn't have the sharingan, I would've preferred putting my hair in a messy bun to show I didn't care about looking neat and normal.

I pull on my heads phones and pull my neko ear hoodie over my hair and the headphones, then I grab my backpack and throw it over my shoulder before stuffing my hands in my pockets as I shuffle out of the room.

I keep my head down as I walk down stairs, knowing that my abusive father was nearby. I get a peek of him in the kitchen with some other woman I've never seen before in my life.

Oh yeah, did I mention he constantly brings home other women and they're all abusive and mean towards me??

I sneak past them without being seen and run out the front door with my hood pulled over my face while my music blasted in my ears and I start singing my heart out!!!

[Insert long ass music lyrics that I will not be inserting into the story]

I got to school and I was heading to my locker. I look around and still see newspapers all over the place from when one of the students that went to this school had gone missing months ago. Their name was (Y/N) (L/N).

I was staring at one of the newspapers when the school bullies spot me and start walking over. I see them coming and quickly lower my head so my hair falls over my face and try to ignore them.

"Ew, look guys, it's the little emo brat," Brittany scoffs, flipping her blonde hair and rolling her ocean sky blue orbs at me. Jessica and Katelyn start laughing at me and pointing. I just ignore them because I'm so emotionless and I don't care. But I smirk underneath my hood because they don't know what's coming for them. ÒwÓ

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