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One word: Kagekao

- - - (Y/N)'s p. o. v. - - -

"Dude. You're not supposed to be playing with that."

I watch with building irritation as Kagekao tosses around the key to Slender's lab back and forth with Former. I tried grabbing the key back a few times but the trickster was swift and constantly grabbed it back before I could get it. I happened to catch the key once in between their game, but Kagekao had the audacity to actually scratch me with his claws.

As I sit there holding my now bleeding hand, I watch the two seemingly mocking me now by continuing to toss my bosses key around like it was a toy. "Whatcha gonna do (Y/N)-sama? Are you gonna tellll on us? Like a little snitch-baby? Kekekekeke~" Kagekao snickered, pelting the key a little too hard this time.

The key fly past Former's head and low and behold, falls conveniently through a crack between the wall and floor of his room.

"You're both stupid," I sigh, getting up from Kage's bed and getting ready to go fetch the key myself. It would be best if Kagekao doesn't get his hands on it again because 1) he's most likely going to lose it 2) if he finds out what the key is for, he's 100% going to cause some sort of mischief. He doesn't know that that key leads to Slender's lab.

"(Y/N)-sama, we'll help you get it!" Kagekao exclaimed, jumping up with a smirk on the white side of his mask. "No you will not."

"Nande-Why not?"

"Because I told you you're not supposed to be playing with it countless times already! Why couldn't we have just watched anime like you said we were going to??"

"Can you blame me? Shiny things distract me!!"

I groan and facepalm. I really did try to grab the key when I first saw it on the floor in the middle of the hall near Jeff's room, but as I was with these two at the time, Kagekao jumped first and attacked the thing like a wild beast before I even had a chance to make a full move.

"Please just stop, both of you. That key isn't yours."

"Whose is it then~?"

"Think Kage, why would (Y/N), tell us.."

I ignore them both and walk out of the room, hoping I could find the spot where the key landed. I get downstairs and search the area that's beneath Kagekao's room; the dining room.

Unfortunately, the dining room is littered with toys-namely legos-that were scattered all over the place. A huge unnecessary mess that I find it hard to believe Sally would even make. There was a huge tub that was holding the toys that was knocked over on the table.

When I get closer, I see Surrenderman poke his head out from under the table and I glare at him in disbelief. "No way. you did all of this...?"

Surrenderman shook his head and hands frantically at me, "N-N-No! I-I-You don't understand!! I-I didn't mean to make this mess, I really didn't! I j-just got startled, that was all...ohhh I'm such a klutz...."

He then covered his head with his hands and shrunk back under the table in despair. I walk over and lower myself under the table so I could talk with him, "Startled by what? It's alright, you can tell me."

"Um...well...Smile Dog and Grinny Cat were f-fighting really badly and I was sitting at the table wh-when they started to got really close to me. I panicked when I saw the intensity of the fight a-and I accidentally jumped on the table out of fear...the crash of the legos scared them off..."

I shook my head at him with a small smile and pat his back, poor Surrendy. I was about to try talking to him to comfort him and help calm him down when I suddenly heard a loud screech come from beside the table.

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