Return to Life With The Creepypastas: 2 - Meeting Everyone Again

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"...Holy shit..."

I flinch as the sound of glass crashing to the ground comes from somewhere in the room from one of the people who were present in the living room staring at me.

My eyes were wide as I scanned the room, seeing the Creepypastas again standing before with my own two eyes. No one said anything for a long, long time. Skully eventually shoved me in the shoulder and motioned for me to do something because he was trying to catch the moment on his camcorder. Man Skully duck your camcorder, let me soak in the moment.

After a while, a small grin spreads out on my face and I hold out my arms in a welcoming gesture.

"...Look whose back, bitches."

A familiar girl was first the first to break out into a wide, overjoyed smile. It looked like Sally...but for some odd reason she appeared older?? How???

"My god it's (Y/N)! (Y/N)!!!!" Sally exclaimed, suddenly parkouring off the back of the couch where she stood and running over to me. I noticed that instead of the pink dress she always used to wear, she was now wearing a pink short sleeved shirt and blue jeans with sneakers. For some reason, had a ton of silly bands lined up and down on her left arm. "Ho-ly shit..." Someone muttered aloud again, and I looked to see that this was coming from the one and only Toby. Toby too appeared older now, with a literal beard growing on his face. He seemed dazed by my presence, and continued to stare at me as if he were dreaming.

Sally ran up to me and wrapped her arms tightly around me. She looked up at me and jumped up and down while beaming, "You're alive! Holy shit!!"


"Sally, knock it off, you know Slender hates it when you curse," Another familiar voice scolded, and I look up to see striding up to me was...


...What bullshit is this.

Why the fuck is BEN tall?

I look UP at the pasta I remember as BEN Drowned, the evil Link lookalike, except now, for some unexplainable reason like Sally, he looked older and now he was taller. The beanstalk stepped up to me and smirked as he looked down at me, he then placed his hand on my head—I just know he was having the time of his life with this.

"Missed me (Y/N)~? I sure missed you, hehe."

"Why the fuck are you taller than me?" I snap back at him.

"Slender granted him the ability to be a height he wan—" Sally blurted out but BEN quickly slapped his hand over the girls face, "Pink brat! Be quiet!"

"Make me, grass stain!"

Sally elbowed BEN in the gut and BEN groaned and lurched over while Sally sprinted behind me, laughing her head off. I have no idea what's going on here or what this new dynamic is with the pastas, but I think I kinda like it.

I see Toby finally come up to me, shaking. He stands, staring at me for a while and I stare back at him. "Hello? Tobias? You in there?" I say mockingly, waving my hand in his face. Toby didn't say anything, but he suddenly grabbed me and hugged me tightly, resting his head against mine. "(Y-Y-Y/N-N....)" He barely uttered; his voice sounded broken. "You're ali-i-ve...."

I was stunned a bit but I slowly leaned into the hug and embraced him back. "Aww. I missed you Tobster."

"I mi-i-ssed you, Lord (Y/N). Heh..."

After a while I feel another set of arms wrap around the both of us and I look up to see my old insane monochromatic friend. "Laughing Jack!" I exclaim. "Heheh, hey there again Walker~" He smiled with his crazy clown smile. God I really missed that smile of his.

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