47 ⦻ What's Wrong With You...?

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- - - SlenderMan's p. o. v, about a five minutes earlier - - -

"No Splendor, we will not install a bouncy house in the mansion."

I watch my brother as he lowers his head with a dejected whimper and slowly exits out of my office. I sigh heavily, not really feeling the greatest about always having to reject Splendor's ideas for manor additions and renovation but sometimes his inputs were absolutely childish.

"Bouncy houses are ridiculously expensive these days, anyways," Spender scoffed, looking at me with a satisfied expression on his smug face at the fact I'd turned down Splendor. "I could care less," I respond. "Spender, please go tend to other matters within the manor, I would like to return to some important paperwork. These renovations are very hefty of a workload for me to figure out."

Spender shrugs and takes his half of the renovation plans before briskly exiting my office. It was then just me and my brother Tender. I rub my head, feeling a slight pounding disruption. This strange 'headache' phenomena has started to occur to me lately, and it worries me as I don't know why it's happening. It only makes me feel that something bad is soon to happen, as it could truly be a sign...

"Master," Tender spoke, giving off a concerned aura. "Is everything alright?"

"For the most part. Just carrying on a slight headache-must be all this renovation drama. The manor really does need an upgrade..."

"But sir...we don't get headaches..."

I remain quiet after his additional response. He probably very well knows that there's something else that could be going on besides my stress over the manor affairs.

"You don't think...you don't think it could be HIM, do you...?" Tender nervously inquired.

I again met his question with silence, yet it was a question to not be overlooked. I knew very well that Zalgo may once again be trying to cause a disruption in this world and with me and my killers.

Before I could even think to finally respond to Tender, the door to my office bursts open and I see Kate there, panting with wide eyes as she stood there in a panic. "(Y/N) Walker is GONE, Master!" She gasped out, "We were just in the middle of training and...it was our turn in offense against Walker—Rogue attacked first but as soon as she made her move, Walker—I dunno, clipped through the ground!?"

I immediately stood from my office chair, nearly knocking it over in my alertness, "WHAT!?"

"Come Master, hurry up!"

Kate then pelted out of the office and I quickly stepped behind her with TenderMan following me, feeling a dark aura beginning to burn around me at the idea that my most valuable proxy was in trouble.

Just as I was walking out of the Slender Hall though, my head started to ring with the aching sensation again and I grabbed my head in discomfort. "Master!? Are you alright?" Tender gasped, grabbing on to my shoulder.

My own static phenomena began to envelop my whole being and my 'vision' began to fade into black. What'sWhat's going on!?

Suddenly, I feel as if my body is being transported, then the next thing I know my vision is back—yet I'm in a whole different settling.

I barely have time to process before something hard slams into my torso and I look down seeing (Cp/N) pummeling into me.


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