Return to Life With The Creepypastas: 3 - Being Forced To Meet New People Again

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I pull up YouTube on my phone and start scrolling for some random videos to watch with Sally, since she was now clinging to me as if I were just gonna up and die again. I come across a thumbnail that...well, it looks like me in the my room.

"What the hell??" I mumble aloud, clicking on the video that seems to have a hefty amount of views. "You're a content creator?" Sally asked me, sounding puzzled. "No...."

In the video, it looks like I was being filmed from my bedroom window. Two seconds into it, I see myself wheeling across the room in my spiny chair and crashing into the wall with all my things—the mishap that happened yesterday morning. "To Be Continued" shows up over the impact, it plays JoJo's season one intro theme as expected and then it turns into a complication of the really stupid and maidenless things I've done in the past year.

I was horrified by the end of the video and that all of this was even filmed and posted online. Who—

I looked at the creator of the video and see it was posted on a channel called 'Marble Hornets'. Sally pointed at the icon and smirked, "That's Skully's channel."


Skully's head appeared from the upstairs area as he was coming down upon hearing his name, "Yeah, boss."

He then saw me marching towards him looking pissed off and immediately figured what was up. Skully darted away faster than I could give chase, and I instantly lost him.

"Seriously! If you were still Slender's proxy you wouldn't do this to him!"

"Well Slender's tall, intimidating, and has powers. You're short, goofy looking, and powerless," I hear BEN's voice scoff from behind me, and I turn to him with a scowl. "If I were your proxy (Y/N), I wouldn't even listen to you."

"...Why can't you just go back to puntable size? Fucking seaweed," I mumble, storming past him to head back downstairs.

"Aw come on (Y/N), you don't mean that!"

When I get back down, I freeze when I see a familiar sight I hadn't been reunited with when I came back to the mansion yesterday.


One of my best friends back when I first was here. The tall male seems taken aback when he hears his name being shouted and looks at me with an exasperated expression as I start running towards him as soon as he had come from the front doors.

Before I could even get near him though, Puppeteer holds up his hand and suddenly a web of string was quickly formed, wrapping around me like a snake and stopping me in my tracks. My whole body was tied up so I take a plummet to the ground, my face wrought with confusion.


"Dont. Touch me."

With that he lowers his hand and walks off,  not sparing me another glance as I remained there tied up on the ground.

Well. That actually hurt. Both physically and mentally. I was lost for words.

Did I do something wrong...?

"Uhm. Guys? Someone help." I whine from the ground. I could've gotten out of these if they were normal constrains, but Puppeteer's strings were a different deal. After minutes of waiting, I can clearly tell these idiots were ignoring me.


"Hey (Y/N)," I hear Toby's voice and crane my neck around to see him literally stepping over me and walking off. "Oh so that's how it's gonna be?? Tobias!?" I yell at him. "Just like in th-the old days~" He threw back casually, holding up his hand as he left. I see Laufey walking by with his oversized scissors and eye him down. "Proxy! Get me out of here!"
"I would (Y/N), honestly, too far," He yawned, passing me up just like Toby. I know damn well that dumb clown was smirking about it too.

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