26 ⦻ 26 chapters in and ur ass is only NOW killing someone, smh

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(Y/n) the proxy's p. o. v

So the proxies lead me to a house.

An old house.

"I wanna kill a stuck up rich guy so I could feel less bad about it. Why this dump?" I whisper, looking at the rotting wood.

"Slender chose this place for you, not us," Hoodie responded. "Quit complaining," Masky sneered.

I shrugged and sneak with the others through the old fence boards and into the backyard.

The backyard was small and cramped, and only one single poor looking tree was hanging over into the neighbor's yard.

I watch as Masky stalks over to go where the tree was.

The proxies were all going to hide in different places while I did the main work of taking out the victim. Only Kate would be going with me through.

I thought it was a lousy idea for Masky to hide behind a tree, I mean how is he going to see me from there?

Then I notice he had climbed to the top and was looking towards a window that opened to the second floor of the house.

Maybe he knew what he was doing after all. Still seemed stupid.

Me, Hoods, Ticci, and Kate force our way into the house, Hoodie having pick locked open the back door and then we sneak around, scanning the place.

the Chaser's p. o. v.

"They're upstairs," I murmur quietly to Hoodie who was make sure the down stairs area was secure.

"I know. Masky already had his sights on the target," Hoodie responded.

"I'll stay down here. If y-you guys need anything, you know wh-who to call!" Toby said, backing up and leaning against a wall with his hatchets.

"Anyone that's not you," Hoodie muttered.

Before T could say anything else, Hoodie and I quickly moved upstairs along with (Cp/N).

There were a few rooms upstairs, one of the doors were closed, the others were open.

"I'll stay in the hallway. You two deal with the task," Hoodie said, nodding to (Cp/n). (Cp/n) nods and motions for me to follow them, heading towards the closed off room.

Seems like they know what they're doing. Expected of (Cp/N), considering that they've been an outstanding proxy in training. In my eyes, at least.

They've come pretty far from when they first came to us, and now making their first kill in the name of SlenderMan... I felt proud.

I wanted to tell them that but I was too embarrassed to, for some reason, thought it would be weird.

I just kept it to myself and felt happy for them quietly.

(Cp/N) approaches the closed door and leans against it, listening inside for a while.

Just from where I was standing next to (Cp/n), I could tell that the human inside of the room was sleeping.

"This'll be quick," (Cp/n) sighed, "will you back me up, Chaser?"

"Ya, of course."

(Cp/n) nodded their head and then gently opened up the door, sneaking into the room.

We see some girl huddle tightly in its covers, sleeping soundly. So calm, so innocent, so unknowing of the dangers lurking nearby.

I wanted to tear it apart.

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