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we're gonna use the human slendos actual names in this part to signify the difference between their normal selves, or whatever.

slenderman - richard or simon (idk ill use richard)
trenderman - allan
splendorman - hansel
offenderman - jacob
surrenderman - steven
spenderman - spencer
tenderman - salem


- - - (Y/N)'s p. o. v. - - -

I'm able to catch up with the human slenders but just before we could enter the living room, Trender stops us all in a panic.

"Wait!! What will the others think?? How do I look?" He asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter how you look Trender, you're going to get changed back to normal anyways once we catch Kagekao," I respond, passing him up. "Now come on!"

Trender grabbed my arm and pulled me back again, and I glared at him. "Trendy, what??"

"I'd just rather make sure I look 100% presentable before I step infront of those wild maniacs...do I look decent for a human, do you think?"

"I think you look fine Trendy-brother! You look absolutely dashing!" Splendor shouted. Surrender nodded his head quickly in agreement. "You know," Offender spoke up, "I'm sure Slender wouldn't mind if we spent a little while longer in these forms, would he? After all, we look much better like this." He then grabbed Trender's mirror from him and started looking at himself with a smirk.

"Slender will definitely mind," I reply.

"I don't care what we do, as long as I eventually get back the money Kagekao stole from me," Spender huffed, straightening his hat over his new hair. "Wait...brothers? Are you saying what I think you're saying??" Splendor exclaimed excitedly, "you all want to stay in these bodies!!???"

"I wouldn't mind! If what Offendwr says is true, that we look better! Oh I can't wait to try all the styles i can think of now as a human!" Trender said, clapping his hands together and giving a closed eye smile. "I can probably seduce anyone in the mansion that I wish~" Offender cackled. "Now I won't scare kids 5 and under!!" Splendor screed happily.

"No no guys, this is such a bad idea. Slender isn't going to like this," I tried getting the human slenders to calm down but they are all starting to seem too comfortable with new looks. Honestly, I wouldn't mind them being like this for a while because it shocked me and I have to admit; they look pretty cool as humans. But the last thing I wanted to make Slender mad when he specifically asked me to lead them on the hunt for Kagekao and the key.

"I know what you're thinking, Walker," Offender said, "even though I can't read your mind anymore, you're thinking Slender's gonna be mad because we're going against his wishes. But honestly, what can he do? He's a human just like us; the worst he could do is yell."

Trender and Spender chuckle at this, and I sigh, "But what about when you all eventually turn back to slenders?"

"Then....the punishments will be totally worth it! Let us enjoy this new perspective on life!" Trender exclaimed, grabbing back his mirror and straightening his hair. "That's the spirit, Trendy-brother!!!" Splendor beamed, his blue eyes shining brightly. "Say, brothers!! Since we're all in human form, why not go by our real names instead? We'll be just like the other pastas!!"

"Wait, names...what are even your names again?" I ask.

"Me, I'm Hansel!" Splendor said pointing to himself with a big smile.
"That's Steven!" Surrender hid his face behind his sleeves.
"There's Spencer!" Spender tipped his top hat.
"And Jacob!" Offender winked at me.
"And he's Allan!!" Trender didn't stop fiddling with his hair.

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