8 ⦻ You Being An Idiot For A Chapter 🧍

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Chapter brought to you by BEN Clowned

Chapter brought to you by BEN Clowned

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- - - Your P.O.V - - -

"So....Kate. Do you and the proxies hate KageKao or something?"

My question lingered in the air for a while after I had asked The Chaser what seemed to be concerning me.

I didn't see what was wrong with the guy; at least not yet, but he couldn't be that bad. Even if we was bad, I still liked the guy. I sorta felt bad for leaving Kage and Former behind, but I didn't want to get on Kate and the proxies bad side since I've just gotten to know them. Aaaaaaand I'd be working with them and all so....

Me and Kate both now sat on the bed in her room, playing video games together. Yes, the killer cult even had video games at their reach! Great! I guess Kate wanted to make up for her and the other proxies pulling me away from KageKao by inviting me to play video games and it was fine by me because I liked being a gamer. I also was stuck having to share a room with Kate until Slenders gave me my own room, so this was probably the only interesting thing we had to do.

Back to my question for her, I glance over at Kate after winning a level of our game and wait for my answer. She sighed and slowly set the controller in her lap , looking over at me and finally replying, "No, I don't hate KageKao, Walker. But I'm not saying I appreciate the way he is either. I don't want him to rub off on you and end up with you becoming like him."

"Kate...I'm my own person," I mutter, "KageKao has no control over my actions or my ways-it's all me, and I can decide for myself how I want to be."

Kate shrugged and stood up from the bed, beginning to pace around it. "You're going to be a proxy of my boss-Slender Man. He sees something in you, so of course he chose you. He wouldn't want a maniacal asshole like KageKao serving him, so I...I just don't want you to become like that. I want you to be just as good as me and the other proxies, when you become one." She twitched a bit and crooked her head at me.

I admit, it's kinda weird how Kate's already looking out for me like this when I've only been here for a day. Yet, I found it nice that she cared so much to even go as far as keeping someone away from me that could mess with my rep here.

All I could really say was, "I understand."

There was an awkward silence settled between us for a bit, and I shifted a little, trying to focus more on the game. However, the feeling of her eyes dawned on me made the task at hand harder than it needed to be.

Finally, Kate spoke up again, walking to turn off the TV and turning to me. "It's pretty late now. You and I should get some sleep."

"I agree," I reply, standing up from her bed. "Do you want me to sleep on the floor or something?"

"No, of course not! You can sleep on my bed and I'll...just sleep in my chair. It's actually pretty comfortable."

Kate's room actually wasn't that big for two I guess, but it looked pretty damn cool. The walls of her room were a dark gray, and there was a dim light above that left the place with a really cool dark glow. Her carpets were stripped white and gray, and her bed had the same color scheme, it's covers folded neatly by the pillow. A medium sized flat screen was placed against the wall where she had her game console hooked up, as well as a few games scattered around. And placed at the corner of the room was a huge desk with a desktop set atop and a stack of books along the sides. A singly spiny chair was pushed against the desk, and across the room by the door was a big comfy recliner chair with a scratchy circle symbol pillow (They call it "The Operator Symbol").

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