42 ⦻ Kiddiepasta

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Kagekao's p. o. v.


I'm bored.

Today's a great day for some mischief! Kekekekeke!

(Y/N)'s p. o. v.

Something deep down tells me that today would be a great day to ask Slender for a vacation and get as far away from the mansion as possible, but I just shrug it off because honestly, I get that feeling more than often.

So instead, I find myself playing Candy Land with LJ.

"Eh, (Y/N)? Yer going to take ye turn, right?" LJ's voice snaps me out of my thoughts, and I blink as I return my focus to the board in-front of us. "Ah yes. Sorry. Uhhhh...."

I hesitantly reach and pick up a card. I got a green space. I sigh and move my pawn one block ahead. LJ laughs annoyingly and picks up his card. By the look on his face, I can tell he's once again got some sort of OP card...

"I get to move to the ice cream! Hehehehe!"

"Yes. For the fifth time. Yipee."

LJ smiled widely as he moves his pawn to the ice cream space; he's only a few spaces away from winning. The clown glances at me and his smile sort of falters. "Are ya getting bored? Do ye not want to play with me anymore? Or are ye mad because I'm winning? Hehe..."

"No I'm alright. It's fun spending time with you."


LJ seems genuinely moved by my response, and it kinda throws me off. "Heh, no one here really likes hanging out with me much...I'm glad to know you feel differently, heheh!"

I shrug my shoulders and grab up another card to make my turn while LJ continues to stare at me. Maybe I should've just left out the second part...

Im getting ready to move my pawn a measly two spaces forwards when my proxy sense suddenly goes off. It's a strange, alarming feeling I never felt before, and it felt like my connection with Slender suddenly ....diminished... greatly.

"Uh ...oh," I mutter, dropping my pawn. "(Y/N)?" LJ watched me with a confused expression as I seem alarmed by something. There's a faint static in my head and then thing I know I'm hearing the voice of TrenderMan speaking to me.

"Uhhhhhhhh (Y/N)? Would you be a dear and come to my room real quick? Please? Now? HURRY??"

'Gee what happened?'

"Just-come quickly!"

"Err, give me a second, Lj. I'll be right back," I speak aloud to LJack while getting up from the beanbag he had on the floor, and I quickly walk out of his room without waiting for a response.

When I reach Trender's room, I knock on the door and wait a while before it finally opens up. A hand suddenly grabs my arm and quickly pulls me into the room.

"Uh Trender?" I question as I stumble inside and turn to see the fashion slender quickly closing the door behind me, "what's going on? You sound...frantic."

"And all for a good reason! I really screwed up this time Walker, and I need you do something for me while I figure out a solution..."

I watch with narrowed eyes as Trender moves to his bed which was concealed by curtains he had hanging around it and he motions for me to come to him.

I hesitantly step up next to him and watch as he moves the curtains out of the way, revealing his bed.

It wasn't even the bed that caught my attention though; it was the thing that was sitting on it.

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