RTLWCPS: 13 - You Get Kidnapped, But You End Up Kidnapping The Kidnappers

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"Come on Spyro, this is the fifth time this week you've taken a bite out of my victim before I even get a chance to touch them. Come on."

I watch miserably as my super lizard scurries back over to me, it's head and teeth plastered with blood. The neck flesh of my victim had been torn clean off, so much so that the bones were now exposed.

"Fuckin' hell ya overgrown gecko."

Spyro nudged his head against my leg and I sighed, caving in to bending down and petting him slowly. Even though he keeps doing this and strangely enough his bites have been getting more gruesome enough to actually kill, I couldn't stay mad at my little reptilian puppy.

"Let me guess. You're still hungry after that?" I chuckled, and the Komodo let out a low, hungered growl. "Offff course you are. Come on, buddy."

I take ahold of Spyro's leash and start walking him out of the room, leaving the victim collapsed on the floor and bleeding out. I meet up with Eyeless Jack as he steps out from one of the other rooms in the house with his collection of kidneys as usual.

Me and Jack have been going out hunting together a lot more often and lately I've been feeling that there's something more starting to develop between us....

...A wonderful cat and self-proclaimed cat-owner bond slash relationship!

"No. Stop looking at me like that, (Y/N). I'm not one of your funny little pets..." Jack hissed at me as he noticed me giving him the same glare I usually do when I'm about to give him "da pets".

"First of all, Spyro isn't silly, how dare you," I say, bending and covering Spyro's ear holes or whatever. "secondly, bro, you're literally purring right now."

"I'm not purring, I'm hungry you fucking swine..."

EJ angrily stormed past me and headed for the stairs of the house, leaving me behind. I couldn't help but chuckle and quickly follow after him.

I catch up with him once be both sneak out of the house and start making our way back to the woods. The whole time it was me trying to touch EJ's head while EJ did everything in his power to avoid me.

"I don't want to be petted."

"Yes, you do."

"Leave me the hell alone."

"Come on, you know you love it? Don't you just want a lil scruffle? Just a tiny little pet pat?"


I rolled my eyes, "Fine, I'll just give all the pets and scruffles to Spyro since you wanna act all emo."

"Good! I'm not the one wearing the leash anyways!"

"Oh, don't you worry. There's one waiting for you at home too~"

EJ suddenly stopped walking and spun on me, "Excuse the fuck outta me—?"

"ZZZOOOOOM!!" I screeched, quickly grabbing up Spyro and speeding off away from EJ. I laugh while running as I hear the demon cannibal chasing after me, shouting out in frustration.

Surprisingly, I managed to keep a good distance away from EJ, despite him being one of the fastest pastas in the mansion. To be honest, I don't think I could've outran Eyeless Jack if it weren't for "You Can't Touch This" playing in my head the whole time I ran. Definitely gave me a booster.

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