Return to Life With The Creepypastas: 14 - Roller Skating

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It's been a ...interesting—to say the least—two days of having to live in the stuffy basement so far. I settled in here with nothing but some sheets, a pillow, my Zweihander, and my big fat lizard companion. I was between minding it and not minding having to sleep on the cold hard floor of the basement—I mean somehow it was kinda nice?

I still wanted a reason to be mad at Spender though so I forced myself to sorta hate it. At least the new pastas seem to be enjoying their first two days at the mansion.

Another interesting thing...well, Slender decided that since I so called "thought it was a good idea to bring more killers into the house without his approval" and "involved myself in behind-his-back scheming", I should have the absolute honor of carrying the burden of teaching his and Jason's creation how to be a killer, as well as adjusting it and the other eight I "kidnapped" how to adjust to mansion life. The decision 100% confirmed to me that after a certain amount of pastas Slender has definitely been throwing the responsibilities of the ones he didn't want or didn't like on me.

I certainly didn't ask for another responsibility besides Spyro. "Color-Void" as I'd accidentally named it was about as dumb as a doorknob and could barely even walk for ten seconds without running into a wall or some shit. Slender's expecting me to guide it into becoming a "perfect killer" that will take on the mansion's important duties of chores and other things so no one else will have to do it besides TenderMan. I don't get how Slender thinks Color-Void is going to be anything because it's basically brain-dead half of the time and can barely speak properly.

Anyways, I wake up the third morning of adjusting to my new life in the basement to Spyro chewing on my hair/head. I get up and flick his snout but then I realize my hair was still getting chewed on. I glance aside and see Color-Void was doing the same thing. "My god what is wrong with both of you. Do you want me to get the spray?" I snap at Color mostly, pulling my head away from the nearly 7 foot tall entity. I point to the spray bottle I kept beside my makeshift bed in the corner of the basement. I've been needing it because Spyro does weird mindless lizard things sometimes and needs a good punishment but now that Color's here it's been picking up some of Spyro's peculiarities...

"Seorrry..." Color-Void mumbled, lowering its head. I slowly pull myself out of "bed" and stretch before slipping into some shoes. I noticed Spyro seemed a bit antsy like he usually does when he's hungry and Color-Void was slightly melting at the face a bit and losing color, which meant it also needed something to consume. "Alright you two, breakfast time then. Let's head upstairs and get something to eat," I sigh, reaching and picking up Spyro.

I lead Color out of the basement and up the stairs, but Color missteps or something at some point and ends up collapsing back down the stairs. I just leave it there and exit with Spyro; best to let it learn from its mistakes otherwise it's never gonna learn anything.

Upstairs, I see a bunch of pastas rushing around trying to get breakfast and stuff, as per usual. Strangely, I noticed that all of the female pastas were missing from the crowds for some reason...that still didn't take away from the fact that there was a unnecessarily large amount of people trying to get stuff.I see a few of the newbies trying to get their way around the mess but they still weren't used to the morning crowd so I watch sympathetically as Nick gets drowned in the chaos while trying to reach the fridge. I placed Spyro on the ground where all the other pets were gathered in their own little space. Splendor was the one that  had set it up for them. Smile, Paws, and Grinny were enjoying their food without any problems, although Ritz was there with them too, eating ritz crackers off the floor... Spyro slithers over to them and joins in with the housepets while I turn back to scan the crowd and figure out how I'm going to get food...

"Already looking for trouble in the morning, huh?" Dark Link's sudden comment towards me breaks my focus as I try to plan my way into the kitchen. "What do you mean?"

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