20 ⦻ Jeff & BEN Shape Up And Gain 1 Single Brain Cell Between The Two Of Them

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- - - Jeff The Killer P. O. V. - - -

Now we just have to wait for...





What the fuck am I doing. This is wrong.

I know I didn't want to get in trouble and I was just a huge asshole to certain people in general, but letting Offender have his way with Slender's proxy was crossing the damn line and I knew it.

I let go of BEN and turn just to see Offender just picking up (Y/N).

I reacted first and pulled out my knife, then skillfully threw it at Offender's neck.

"AK-! JEFF!?!" He shouted, his hand immediately grasping the knife and he drops (Y/N) in the process.

When (Y/N) hits the ground, the blackness of their eyes disappear and it looks like the charm spell vanished.

Once (Y/N) was back to normal, they slowly came to realization of what was about to happen to them and they slowly stood up, staring at Offender in disbelief.

Offender throws my knife aside and turns to me, his face becoming corrupted, "Jeff! WHAT HELL WAS THAT!?"

"Deals off. You can tell Slender whatever the fuck you want but you leave (Y/N) alone, got me?"

Offender slowly growls, "Then the deals off and I can do what I want!"

He turns to (Y/N) again but I see that (Y/N) had taken notice of the sword they had been carrying around and they unsheathed it out of rage.

The same look I've seen before was in their eyes again.

"Come on, I dare you. Just try me," (Y/N) sneered, beakoning Offender with their free hand to step up to them. In their other hand, they held the sword ready to stab shit.

They're deadass scary when they're pissed off, even when all of their memories are wiped.

Thank goodness it wasn't me they were angy with this time.

My cut smile widened, seeing this (Y/N) and I looked over at Offender who didn't seem phased.

Instead, he grabbed the blade with his tendrils despite literally cutting himself and ripped it out from their hand without a struggle.

"Impressive, (Y/N). I like it when you threaten me~" He purred, approaching them.

"That's it!" BEN sneered, punching my arm, "I'm getting SlenderMan! I'm tired of all this shit! You should've told-"

"Just go, hurry," I responded quickly, cutting him off. "I don't care if I get in trouble anymore. I've put (Y/N) through enough."

BEN nodded and used all of his energy to dematerialize his form in the lab to teleport to Slender.

In the meantime, I'll just have to keep this thirsty bastard's hands off our little idiot.

- - - SlenderMan's P. O. V - - -

I've noticed that my newest follower has been missing all day.

I checked The Chaser's room to see if they may be there, as that's where they usually stay beside downstairs on the couch with BEN, but even Kate has not seen them, as I've already checked with her.

I'm curious as to where they've gotten off to, and I think to go and check the rooms of all the killers when suddenly BEN appears before me, looking angry and desperate.

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