Return to Life With The Creepypastas: 12 - Jeffy Dare

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A/N: Short chapter because my brain isn't braining and I dunno what to write for this annoying book anymore. Probably gonna end up deleting this chapter. Also if you're confused about the last part, just take it as a "Kagekao & Former in a nutshell" atp I don't even know why it's there.


Well. I'll start by saying I think I may have accidentally murdered Jeff The Killer.

I don't think it's fair to fully blame me though because he kinda had it coming so there's that.

Anyways, I stand over Jeff's body that was sprawled on the floor outside my bedroom door with blood coming out his head. I knew I probably should've checked on him to make sure he was okay or at least hide the now bloodied metal bat that was still being clutched in my hand, but I was kinda just frozen in place watching him trying to process what I just did.

I really was trying to be calm with him all day but in the end he was really pushing my buttons and after the last bit I just couldn't take it anymore.

I was minding my own business hiding out in my room today cause I was too unnerved to leave after that very realistic and fucked up dream I had about Dr. Smiley, yeah?

So there I was hanging around watching TV and ignoring Slender calling me to help his proxies out with running errands and stuff cause he's not the boss of me anymore.

Jeff comes around the first time like the annoying shithead he is.

"What do you want?" I'd said once I'd opened the door to his knocks; I was more so looking straight past him than at him because his presence generally tired me out. "You know, I'm still expecting a rematch from the last time you completely bent the rules and made me look bad rather than give me an actual fight," Jeff said, grinning widely at me. "You ready for this, Walker?"

"No. I didn't ask for this. I never asked to be a part of this. Why do you keep trying to fight me??" I ask, now looking him in the eye. It seems like Jeff has been more persistent in bugging me lately and I don't know why. I never see this asshole annoying anyone else this much, why do I have to suffer?

His smile seems to widen at my question and he tilted his head, "Why not? You're the big and bad 'chosen one' killer, aren't you? What's wrong with testing you out every now and then to make sure you're still in top notch shape~?"

"You clearly don't understand the meaning of 'now and then' because you keep coming after me every single day, dumbass."

Jeff simply shrugged at this and took a few steps back, "Either way, you should be thanking me cause I'm doing you such a big favor..."

Before I could even respond, Jeff had suddenly launched off the ground at me and attacked.

That was only the first instance, for the rest of the day he just got more provocative.

After Jeff ended up managing to actually beat me to the ground and nearly broke both my arms, I'd forced myself to finally leave the room and dragged myself to Nurse Ann's office to get checked out.

When I had gotten there, the Nurse was out and I had to decide between sitting aside and waiting for her or just asking EJ if he could maybe help me out. Before I could come to a decision however..

"There you are, (Y/N)!"

The sound of Jeff's voice made me cringe and immensely bugged me at the same time. I tried to quickly shuffle my pained body out of the room but I was too late as Jeff came running in.

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