45 🎃 Crappy Halloween Special

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Opening my bedroom door that morning was probably one of the worst decisions I could've ever made.

...Well...not exactly the worst, but the aftermath wasn't anything to smile about.

I took one whole step out of my bedroom and was immediately drenched overhead without warning. Red liquid splashed over my head, onto my night clothes and spilled onto the floor. It looked and smelled like blood.

Oh fucking hell, not again...

I stood there, frozen and uncomfortable as I looked straight forwards at the idiot across the hall who was laughing his head off at me.


"Come here let me Ke-ke-KICK your ass."

Without waiting a second more, I dash down the hall towards Kagekao, grabbing a convenient bat on the floor while the trickster darted off laughing and a few of the other pastas stuck their heads out of the door, either appearing confused at the situation or laughing at me.

Kagekao quickly slid into his room and locked the door, leaving me unable to catch him. "Whyyyyyyyyyyy meeeeeeeeeee...." I groan loudly as I slowly drag myself away from his door and back to my room to go get myself cleaned.

»»———- ⦻ ———-««

Once I'd finished getting cleaned up I headed out of my room again, but this time I carried an umbrella in hand. I opened my door and looked out for any traps or anything out of the ordinary, but I didn't see anything. Nothing was on the ground either, and the bloody mess had been removed.

"Scared to get tricked again, (Y/N)-sama~" A voice arose from behind me, and I quickly turned with my free fist, not even bothering to hold back. I ended up slogging Kagekao right in the...face.

Kagekao yelped and rubbed his exposed face in pain, "Why of all times would you punch me when I'm not wearing my mask!" He cried angrily. "That's not my problem," I mumble, flipping the umbrella over my shoulder and starting to walk away from him. "H-Hey (Y/N)-sama, did you forget what today is? It's Halloween!"

"Of course it's Halloween, why else would you do something so stupid in the morning?"

"Thennnn why aren't you excited? How come you aren't getting ready like everyone else?"

"I'm not really in the best mood after being made the reincarnated Carrie of the house a second time around..."

Kagekao chuckled at this and grabbed my arm, "Come on Walker it's Halloween, it's all fun and games right?"

Just then, Judge Angels stepped out from her room dressed up as a knight while carrying a huge box of what looked to be Halloween decorations.

"Can someone help me finish putting up the rest of these Halloween decorations? There's still a lot of stuff I need to put up for tonight," She exclaimed, glancing at me and Kagekao's direction. "You're on your own (Y/N)-sama, I've got more pranks to set up," Kagekao nudged me in the shoulder before darting off.

I sigh as Judge Angels approached me with the box, jumping up and down excitedly and I had not choice but to lend her a hand.

»»———- ⦻ ———-««

Once I'd finished helping Judge Angels add more decorations to the already decked out mansion, the place looked like an entire haunted halloween city of its own. Everyone's room had its own decor and there were jack-o-lanterns, littered candy, and blow up halloween characters everywhere.

I glared at the giant Leatherface inflatable decoration that was now placed outside my door and felt a bit sad remembering the big guy. I stepped into my room and decided to change into something more festive for the season, as most all of the other pastas were wearing costumes. I run through my closet and pick out a pretty cool outfit.

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