X Nina The Killer

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This isn't required reading nor is it part of the main story in any way. (Y/N) has no real love interests or anything like that, this isn't canon to main story.


I step into the mansion with 8, dirt ridden sheets full of scribbled mess decorating the pages clamped between my fingers. Why Slender sent me out to retrieve his precious little papers? I don't know, but what I do know is the fact that he's even protecting these useless sheets is still ridiculous to me.

"Slender? I got your weird sketch book pages for you, like you asked," I call out, heading for the Slender Hall. "They're pretty messed up though. Maybe you'll wanna make new ones...?"

I stop walking when my senses pick up footsteps pummeling behind me and suddenly, the next thing I knew, someone had launched themselves onto my back and locked their arms and legs around me.

"Heya Walker~!" I hear Nina's voice screech from behind me and sigh when I see her purple sleeves wring around my neck. "Where've you been Walker? Didja go on a hunt? Without me? I would've like to have gone with you..."

She cranes her head around my shoulder and looks at me with a pout. I roll my eyes and mutter, "Slender only sent me out to retrieve his pages. He 'sensed' something or someone was tampering with them so I just went out and got them back for him."

Nina glanced at the pages in my hands and chuckled, "Aww, taking time out of your day to help Slendey get his homework back? So thoughtful of you, Walker."

She raised one of her hands to my face and poked my cheek, which caused me to react badly from the touch and accidentally hurl her back off my shoulders onto the ground. I immediately turn around and look at her in a panic, offering out my hand to help her. "I'm so so sorry Nina, I didn't mean to throw you you just startled me and-"

Nina glared at me with a slightly hurt stare and grabbed my hand, pulling herself up then quickly letting go. Her cut smile managed to contort slightly to a frown, "Don't bother (Y/N). I keep forgetting you don't like being touched and all. That's on me."

I wanted to ask if she was okay but before I could say anything, she quickly turns and walks off, her messy black ponytail swishing daintily behind her. I watched as she left and started to feel really bad for what I did. I decide to hurry up and give Slender his papers so I could go and find her and try to cheer her up.


I find Nina in her room, sitting at her desk glumly watching some crime show on TV. I knock at the door and stand there waiting for the okay to come in, but she only turns and looks at me for a few seconds before tuning back to her screen.

"Nina..." I groan. "Can I come in? Please?"

"The door's open, isn't it? Wouldn't that generally be inviting you to walk in whenever?"

I purse my lips and slowly step into the room, walking over to where she was sitting. I take a seat on the floor on my knees and glare up at her, trying to catch her gaze, but she continuously avoids mine and keeps her focus on the TV.

I tilt my head at her and poke her in the side, "You're not mad at me, are you?"

"...Why would I be mad..." She muffled from hiding her mouth behind her sleeves.

I chuckle a bit and sit up on my knees so that my head was at the same height to where she kept her head down on her desk. I look at her and poke her cheek softly, which in return warrants a faint red shade to form on her pale face. "I didn't mean to shove you like that. I overreacted," I sighed, "I hope you're not hurt or anything by that. I mean, maybe I don't mind the poking too much, you just surprised me, that's all."

She slowly turned to glare at me and remained silent for a bit, gazing into my eyes. A smile then quickly formed on her face and she directed her finger right onto my nose. "You don't mind eh? Well I hope you know what's in store then~" She cooed, gently tapping her finger against my nose.

I stare at her expression for a long time and uh......I dunno, but I started feeling... different by how she was looking at me.

Oh...oh no. Oh shit.

"Walker??" Her sudden exclamation snapped me out of my head and I blink at her in alarm, "Ye-YeAH-?"

I noticed she was grinning giddily at me, "Were you staring at me just now? Like actually admiring me??"

I quickly hold up my hands and shake my head, "Nnnonononono, not at all, I was just-yknow watching...? I wasn't-"

"You were, weren't you!" She interrupted, suddenly grabbing ahold of my face with both her hands. I was between horrified and somehow entranced by her sudden actions, and I glare at her nervously.
"Hey, Nina, you recall me not being Jeff right? Right...?"

"I know you're not Jeff, silly. You're so much better than him. You're the smart, funny, talented Walker, and you don't have a bad attitude 24/7!"
She then glanced aside and smiled a bit more, "I can tell by the way you looked at me just now that you don't think I'm that bad either, right?"

I wasn't sure what to say in response. All I knew was that I'm usually not okay with this type of thing but for some case I didn't feel too bad about Nina. Ever since my first few months at the mansion, Nina's always acted a little strange around me, much like how she would around Jeff a long time ago. I figured her feelings had switched up for some odd reason and in no way did I ever feel the same way towards her, nor try to come across as if I did.

"Nina...you're not that bad at all," I eventually mutter out, trying not to sound so pathetic, like how I felt. Her wide gaze instantly turned back to me and her cut smile stretched against her face. "I'd always hoped you'd say that, I've waited so painfully fucking long for you to say that, (Y/N)!!"

She suddenly coiled her arms around my neck and leapt from her seat straight onto me, hugging me tightly. I was already still hazy in the brain trying to keep up with my own emotions and Nina's actions. Low and behold, to throw me off even more, she backs out of the hug suddenly to start nuzzling the side of my face all affectionately and all.

When I tell you I was STUNNED.

"Sooo this officially means your my one and only (Royal Title) right~?" Nina murmured, ceasing the nuzzling and gazing intently into my eyes.

"Nina I-wh-Nina??? I only stated that you weren't that bad, I-"

"Don't worry (Y/N), that's all I needed to hear to know how you feel. Anyyyyyways~! We should probably plan for our first date and all. Think maybe we should go out on a hunt together? That seems like the perfect thing for two killers to do together on a cold night~"

She continues to yammer on dreamily while I sit there, stunned, confused, and a bunch of other weird shit I can't even describe. However, as I glance at the bright expression on her face and listen to her continued excited rambling on of plans, I can't help but smile at her and figure that maybe I should give her a chance. Maybe this is really how things are supposed to be, and my feelings are true.

Maybe being with Nina The Killer wouldn't be that bad at all.

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