Return to Life With The Creepypastas: 16 - Custody of (Y/N)

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"(Y/N) Walker. Come here."

I glare over at Zalgo from the corner of my eye upon hearing him calling my name, and see him beckoning to me with his finger. The grin on his face doesn't seem trustworthy, so I pretend to ignore him and continue to mind my own business.

Zalgo however...

"Come here little Walker~ come heeeereee~"

The pet calling actually annoyed me and I finally turned to him with a snarl, "You're not talking to me like that. No way."

"Of course I am, you're (Y/N), aren't you? Now get over here!"

Before I could protest, Zalgo suddenly wrings me by the neck and starts dragging me away.


Ticci Toby, who was nearby, instantly whipped out a camcorder and began taping me getting dragged.


"Love ya t-too, "little Walker!"" Toby laughed aloud as I disappeared around the corner with Zalgo.


Zalgo eventually let's go of me once we were far from everyone else and I immediately start planning my escape. "At least let me get a word in," Zalgo sighed, grabbing my collar just as I was about to speed away.

"You just did. Now can I go?" I groaned. "Listen (Y/N), I have an extraordinary idea and I'd like you to be a part of it."

"Whenever I become 'apart of things,' something bad always happens or goes terribly wrong. No thanks."

Zalgo ignored my protest and smiled uncannily wide, "I'm starting my very own legion of Proxies, and I want YOU, Walker, to join them as the leading Proxy!"

I stopped struggling to escape and stared at Zalgo for a good minute. Before suddenly bursting into hysterical laughter and grabbing my sides.

"Forming your own group of super sidekicks is NOT gonna impress Slenders, Zalhoe!"

Zalgo's smile slowly faltered and he growled, "This has absolutely nothing to do with SlenderMan, why are you bringing him up?! I could care less what that bald pin thinks!"

"Sounding a bit desperate to defend yourself now there..."

Zalgo took a deep breath before continuing more calmly, "My decision to hold Proxies does not concern Slender. Instead, I figured it would be useful to have lowly servants of my own running around taking up tasks that I command them to and doing my bidding."

I blinked at him, "Did that really sound right coming out your mouth? Did you not just hear yourself?"

Zalgo rolled his eyes, "Oh so it's right when Slender does it but when I want the same exact thing it's seen as wrong!"

"I thought this wasn't about Slender."


Zalgo roughly let go of my collar and waved me off, "Nevermind, I'll just find someone else to be my leading proxy. You're too damn annoying anyway."

I shrugged, "Suits me! Later Señorita!"

I bolted out of the room before zalgo could end up asking me anything else.

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