46 ⦻ Trapped In Another Walker's Reality (Genderbent Pastas) (WIP/TBC)

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(Y/N)'s p. o. v.

Hoodie grabs me by the neck and keeps me in a neck lock, then he swings me around until I go flying straight towards Toby. Toby then punches me so hard in the stomach that I think I feel my actual insides shifting.

I lurch forwards and drop to my knees, grabbing my torso in pain while trying not to vomit on the floor.

Ah, the endless joys of training.

"That's what happens when you let your guard down," I hear Masky scoff at me as his footsteps shuffle closer to me. My eyes dart at his stupid legs and I suck up the pain I was feeling just so I could push myself from the ground and launch myself at him.

I wrap my arms around his torso and planted my face into his stomach as we both go crashing onto the ground, Masky grunting out in pain.

"tHaT's wHaT hApPeNs wHen yOu lEt yOuR gUaRd dOwN," I lift up my head and glare at him with a broken smile. God I was in so much pain but it felt so good to crush Masky.

"Oh shut up Walker," Masky breathed out at me, lifting his head. "You're not hot stuff just because you pinned me...and get off me, would you??"

I smirk and take a while to stand again before I reach out and help pull Masky up as well. "You kinda had that c-coming Timmy boy," Toby chuckled, walking over and slapping Masky on the back.

"Uhm (Y/N), I believe you did a good job with training today so far," Hoodie also came up to us stretching his arms, "however towards the end of sparring with us three, you seem to have lost your speed and reaction times, allowing us to overpower you. You can't allow that to happen."

"Sorry," I mutter, "I'm really honestly just feeling kinda tired today..."

"Oh no you're not!"

Rogue's voice from the back of the basement arose and she stepped forwards with Kate and Vix. "You think pulling the tired card will get you out of sparring with US three? You're out of your mind Walker."

"Agreed, pull yourself together Walker, you know you're my favorite to spar with," Kate growled, looking as if she were getting ready to pounce at me.

"Heheh. Walkie-Talkie," Vix randomly mumbled, not even sounding fully focused.

"Remind me again why I have to fight the worst three at once?" I question, turning to Hoodie. "Excuse me? We were the worst three, we let you face the easier opponents last!" Masky scowled, sounding offended.

"Sounding very sexist right now Mason," Rogue crossed her arms as looked down on him. "Yeah Masky. Everyone-e in this room knows that's not true," Toby glared at him beneath his goggles. "(Y/N) got ruffed u-up a bit by us three guys sure, but Ro-Rogue? (Y/N)'s gonna die."

"Yeah okay whatever just please don't bury me next to Old Dan's plot in the backyard," I sigh, stepping over to the next three and wanting to get this over with. I then come to realize something, "Hey wait...does Old Dan already know you guys even dug his gra-"

"Alright NEXT. Walker vs. Rogue, Kate, and Vix!" Hoodie yelled, clapping his hands. "Back up Rogers, Wright."

The Mask, The Hood, and The Proxy all back away from the center leaving me, The Walker, to face The Rogue, The Chaser, and The Parasite.


Kate immediately starts circling me and growling and Rogue cracks her knuckles loudly, starting to approach me. Vix just stands there.

My senses go off when I hear Kate's feet leave the ground, and I quickly turn around and grab her just as she had jumped me. We struggle hand to hand for a while before I'm able to twist her arms around herself and turn her around. Just as I'm about to kick her away from behind, she cracks her head so far backwards that it actually startles me.

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