37 ⦻ The Deranged Star

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ㄒ卄乇 卂匚ㄒㄖ尺 "the fatuous clown" - pasta by VikingMetalToby


"It's dinner timeeeeee!!!"

I heard TenderMan's voice ring through the mansion and look up from where I was on the floor just rubbing Smile Dog's belly and giving him pets. "Arf! Dinner time! Food!" Smile's tail wagged as he glared at me excitedly. "Yeah let's go see what Tender cooked today," I smile, petting his head and leading him the the dining room.

Creepypastas were just beginning to suffocate the room with their presence so I quickly let Smile Dog run to his bowl and grab a seat near the head where Slender sits. After a while, EJ comes and sits beside me and Nina takes the other side. On the opposite side of the table are the least likely people I would want to be near; Kagekao, who likes to throw food, Former who always copies whatever shit Kagekao does, and Jeff whose the bane of my existence.

Slender eventually comes and sits at the table as the last person and Tender starts uncovering all the food.

"Why the fuck are we being fed brussel sprouts ," Strangled Red hissed, his glowing red eye baring down on the first serving. "Yeah, no thanks," BEN snapped, getting ready to leave the table but Slender made him sit back down with a tendril. "Brussel sprouts are healthy you know," Nurse Ann sighed, beginning to pull food on her plate. "That doesn't mean we have to like it..." Zero mumbled.

There was other food at the table though so everyone started taking what they wanted. EJ snagged kidneys as usual and Nina took a bunch of mashed potatoes. I took (F/F) and slowly started eating. I was ignoring the conversations going on at the table until Nina eventually turned to me, putting on a very big smile, stretching her slit scar. "Hey (Y/N), guess what? I'm sneaking out to the movies tonight...wanna come?"

"Um movies? Sure, I mean I haven't been in forever..."

"Great! We're going at 11 tonight!"

"Late much...?"

"Hey," Another voice barged in and I turn to see EJ trying to sneak into the conversation. "You guys heading out tonight? I could go hunting..."

"We're not going hunting Jackie, we're going to the movies," Nina groaned at him. "You wanna come Jack? I notice you always stay inside..." I ask. Nina shoved me in the shoulder when I extended the invite to EJ, but EJ shrugged and responded, "why not."

"Oh yay," Nina spat sarcastically, slowly turning back to her food and smacking her potatoes irritatedly with her fork. I shrug and go back to eating and minding my own business until Kagekao suddenly stood up on his chair and screamed out loud "FOOD FIGHT!!!!" and the next thing I knew, gravy was being flung at my face.

"Are you ready, (Y/N)?"

I jump as I'm exiting my room when I'm met face to face with Nina. Looks like Trender did his work on her cause now her slit scar is gone and her face appears normal. She's wearing a long purple hoodie that looks almost like a hoodie dress (if that's even a thing) and white and black striped stockings with converse. Basically her normal look except she looks like a normal girl.

"Oh...yeah, the movies! Heck yeah I'm ready," I respond, smiling at her. Nina grabs my arm and pulls me with her excitedly. We get downstairs and meet up with who I think is EJ but he looks humane now. He was leaned against the counter when he saw us approaching and pushed off from the counter heading to meet us. He had a skin enlightener like with other pastas when going out undercover and had on a gray hoodie with black jeans. His tar running eyes were covered with dark shades.

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