4 ⦻ Four Proxies, One Newbie

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- - - The Chaser's P. O. V. - - -

Me and the boys descended down the steps together; I wanted them to meet the new kid who was going to become a proxy like us. Toby was having one of those moments of uncontrollable fidgeting and twitching, so he was unintentionally making a lot of noise. The newbie didn't seem mean or anything, but I hoped they wouldn't bug Toby about his tics like everyone else did when first meeting him.

I spot (cp/n) sitting at the bottom of the steps, and upon us getting closer, they turned their head to us. They looked kind of sad and a bit lonely for some reason. Hoodie hastily comes up behind me and Toby follows him close behind while Masky takes his time to come down the steps. Once we reached (Cp/n), the others began to examine them in silence.

"This is the Vagabond Walker, (cp/n)," I introduced the tired looking teen to my partners. "And (cp/n)? Why are you sitting on the stairs...?"

"Your creepy clown guy over there was trying too hard to be friendly."

"Oh...uh....well anyways, here are Slender Man's other proxies! This is Hoodie, Ticci-Toby, and Masky. Together, we are the four-"

"You know, this is quite sudden...?" Masky interrupted barely letting me finish my sentence, and crossing his arms. "Why out of the blue did the master decide to recruit a new proxy? And...why did he have to choose so...randomly...?"

(Cp/n) gave him a glare and and I scowl at Masky for his comment, "The boss makes all his decisions out of reason, and he chooses only those who are worthy. He must've chose (Cp/n) because he thinks they will turn out a good proxy like us!"

"Well, I won't be so quick to judge," Hoodie remarked, stepping past me to the bottom step and holding out his hand to the newbie. "If you're going to be one of us, I'll do my best to help you become your best."

"Oh...wow, thanks. Really," (Cp/n) replied to him, shaking his hand, and their whole demeanor changed a bit.. "Me too, I guess. Nice t-to meet ya, Walker," Toby greeted, slightly dipping his head. (Cp/n) glared at Toby for a bit as he had stuttered, and for a second I thought they were going to say something about his ticking and stuff. But they only simply smiled at him, so I sighed in relief.

I then look up to Masky and narrow my eyes. He shrugged at me as if he hadn't done anything, then sighed and greeted (Cp/N) like he should have. "Let's see what you can do," He remarked, and they slowly nodded their head at him.

"Did you show'em around the whole mansion y-yet?" Toby asked me, casting me a side glance. "Of course I did, we wouldn't want them to get lost, now would we?" I growl, "besides, (Cp/N)'s been sticking around me for the while I was with them, and I don't think they'll be going off on their own anytime soon."

"You make me sound like a scared, lost puppy, Chaser," (Cp/N) muttered, a small smile forming on their face. "At this moment, you kind of are-at least till you get used to living here," I reply, giving them a friendly poke in the shoulder. I hoped that acting more like a normal, laid-back person would help them to ease into the mansion better, so I was trying my best to be soft.

"Oh god..." Toby suddenly remarked, sparking a grin. "I wouldn't r-recommend showing this one to Splendor...they might give him an extreme heart-t attack."

"What? I've haven't even met 'Splendor' yet, why would I give him a heart attack?" (Cp/N) replied, looking at Toby with a confused expression.

I sigh and roll my eyes, "That's Toby's way of saying you're cute. And, in all honesty, you probably WILL give Splendor a heart attack if we introduce you." (Cp/N) slowly turns and narrows their eyes at Toby, though there was slight coloring on their face, showing they were embarrassed by his comment.

"Did Slender Man tell you anything to do with them besides show them around and be their 'bodyguard' for the day?" Masky asked a bit impatiently, and I turn to him with a questioning look on my face, "Why?"

"I'm just asking. On our first time here, me and Hoodie were forced to commence with intensive training..." Masky responded, and I glare at him with an annoyed glance. I didn't bother answering his question however, and instead I took grabbed (Cp/N)'s arm, tugging them to stand and then I pulled them over to the couch so we could sit down. BEN was in-front of the TV hooked on playing COD, so we sat down and watched him, though (Cp/N) looked a bit ticked.

The little elf probably really pissed them off before.

Hoodie and the others also came over and hung around for a while, and we all prodded (Cp/N) to tell us more about themself.

I felt that during our conversations, (Cp/n) was really beginning to warm up to us, especially me and Toby. It made me really happy, to see to them smile. I really felt like me and them are going to get along.

While we were all talking, I saw The Boss soon glide into the living room, his hands behind his back with his servant and the manor's butler, Tender Man close beside him. (Cp/N) looked away from us once they spotted him and quickly stood up as he made his way slowly over to us.

"General Spaghetti!"

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