35 ⦻ There's Another Damn Proxy.

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尸卂尺卂丂工ㄒ工匚 ᐯ工乂 "the dead possession" - pasta and art by KOTTAROLLDEEZNUTZ


I'm hanging around the kitchen stuffing myself with (F/S) because I need the energy and Slenders decided to make today a training day. I'm really not in the mood for training today but what can I do, Slenders rules all.

It was the last of (F/S) so that told me I should probably go to an outside store and get some more later. Glitchy Red waltzes into the kitchen seeing I'm enjoying the last of (F/S) and starts fuming. He starts snapping at me like I give a crap and I just stand there watching him while calmly eating. He eventually demands the snack from me and I pelt the already empty bag at him before simply walking out of the kitchen.

I'm just passing by the living room and I see Slender near the front yelling at Kagekao for something stupid he must've done again.

Should I stand by and watch?


Nah, I have better things to do. Like getting an extra 30 minutes of sleep before training!

I start off for the stairs when suddenly I heard the loudest explosion come from the front door, and I see the door itself now flying in my direction. I jump out of the way in a panic and and roll to the side, staring at the front entrance to the mansion on high alert.

Once the dust and debris cleared, I watch as in stepped this really tall rando... I blinked, taking in their image; shoulder-length white hair fell from beneath the fur hood they wore that was connected to a gray and black striped sweater, and over that was a big bulky brown jacket. By looking at their right hand, it seemed to be robotic rather than normal. An axe was being held lazily in this person's grasp, and their face was covered by a black mask with the only visible feature on it being silver eye holes.

They seemed to look around for a bit at the debris scattered on the floor, then at the faces of all the shocked pastas sitting around in the living room, then directly at Slender, who was frozen in the corner with Kagekao.

They started facing Slenders for a bit before speaking with the most laid back, casual tone as if they didn't just literally blast open the doors of the mansion. "I'm baaaack~"

Slender was still for a little while longer before slowly raising a hand to his head and rubbing the baldness. "Um...yes...what a surprise Vix, I did not expect ...your return...."

Vix, Whose that? Return...?

The other Creepypastas that were in the room started reacting as well, and I just stood there taking in their image in utter confusion, feeling awkward that I didn't even know who this was like everyone else.

Kagekao suddenly screeched out loud and bounced away from Slender, barreling towards the stranger with open arms. "Ohh Vik-san~"

He stopped just before he reached the stranger and suddenly reached out, roughly grabbing their hand and shaking it.

Although, Kagekao is an absolute idiot as usual, because he shakes their hand so unnecessarily hard (and this was the robotic looking hand I'm taking about) that it literally rips off of his body. Blood starts leaking onto the ground from where his robotic arm once was.

My eyes widen as I sit there watching Kagekao holding this Vix's arm still smiling like it was all a joke. "Glad you're back! Kekekeke~...."

I watch Vix nervously as he stares at Kagekao for a long moment in utter silence, afraid of what was to come next. Then, I watch as Vix suddenly snatches the arm back from Kagekao, slaps the ever-loving shit out of him with the same arm, then reattached it to his body and steps over Kage's now shaking form on the ground.

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