28 ⦻ School Massacre (pt. 2)

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"(Y/N)???" No no no no..."

The familiar male strode up to me, his hands clenched at his sides. "Well, look who it is," I sighed, preparing to get shouted at by this fool yet again.

Before he could get one word out at me however, a teacher approached the both of us with a scolding demeanor. "Excuse me? You two should be in class, not messing around in the hallway. Get to class!"

With a gentle shove, the both of us are turned and forced to walk down the hallway. Jeff side eyes me but keeps quiet as the teacher walks us away.

Once the teacher brought us to a hall with more classrooms, they turned around and left. We waited till they were gone from sight before facing one another.

"(Y/N). I'm starting to realize a very annoying trend," Jeff hissed at me, lowering his cap over his face. "You always get caught up or involved in things that have to do with me. Why can't you stay out of my fucking life and get your own???"

"How was I supposed to know you were here??" I snapped back, "I got dragged here against my will anyways!"

I then frowned and grabbed him by the neck, "Jeff??? What are you doing here anyways???"

He quickly ripped my hand off him and growled, "It's none of your business anyways Walker. Like I said before, why can't you just stay out of-"

We both jump when the door we were next to flew open. "Woods, is that you? In class please..." A teacher confronted us both and steps aside, expecting us to walk into his class. Jeff gives me a dark glare before stomping into the class while I stand there confused as to why the teacher even knew his last name.

"I don't think you're in my class. Are you a new student? Here, you can sit in my class till first period is over. Better than getting in trouble for walking around in the halls," The teacher told me, motioning for me to enter class.

I sigh and without hesitation walk into the classroom. I feel the familiar effect of many eyes falling on me as I enter the class room. At that very moment, I remembered how much I disliked school and why I skipped it that one fateful day in the first place.

I spot Jeff sitting way in the back of the class and he's desperately pointing at an empty seat that was in-front of him.

I'm not sitting by that powdered donut freak.

I ignore his angry pointing and sit at the back of the class on the far opposite side of him, at the same time trying to ignore the stares of the rest of the class. And actually to be honest, it wasnt as horrible as it would have been before when I was a real student.

Thinking about how I was a proxy and lived with the actual Creepypastas (not to mention Jeff The Killer was in the literal same room with me right now), I didn't really care too much with normal outside people thought of me.

I sat down and the eyes of the class slowly wandered back to the front where the teacher took place behind his desk and then he began talking.

Shit. This was a (least favorite subject) class...

I try tuning the teacher's words out and start fiddling around with my new pen I got from the store earlier because I seriously didn't even need to pay attention to this stuff. It's not like I had to go to school anymore.

My eyes glance to where Jeff was and I see the psychopath sneaking from his own desk and moving to the one that was behind me. I whispered at him, "Why are you coming over here? You complaining about me always being involved with you yet you're coming over here by me?"

"Oh shut up Walker," He whispered back, and shoved me roughly in the back of my head.

I honestly feel that's the only reason why he wanted me to sit in-front of him.

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