CreepyPasta HS AU (Unfinished Content Chapter)

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Yeah so I was in the middle of breakdancing in Slender's office because I was feeling goofy and I dunno why but my minds been deteriorating lately so I'm always doing a bunch of weird nonsensical shit.

Slender walks in on me and I immediately attempt to dash but Slender's rage was fast and furious and that man clapped my shit to another world before I could even escape.

No seriously, he smacked me so hard I blacked out.
All because I wanted to have a little fun. ):

»»———- ⦻ ———-««

"(Y/N)! (Y/N) get up, you're gonna be late!"

I groaned, slowly pushing my covers off of me and swinging my legs out of bed, struggling to blink the sleep out of my eyes. I warily glance over at my phone and tap the screen.

Almost 6:35. The bus is supposed to arrive at 6:40.

"Well shiat..." My words lazily roll off my tongue as I realize that I'm more than likely gonna miss the bus which will likely in turn make me late for

First day back and I'm already fucking things up, though that's never a surprise.

My bedroom door swings open. I meet with my Dad's annoyed glare, "(L/N) your bus is supposed to be outside in 5 minutes, so you could either skip breakfast and every other school morning routine and head out the door now to catch it or you can take your time and go in late on your first day."

"If I pick the first option can I wear my PJs to school?" I grin. "No you moron, just hurry up and go put on your school uniform. And brush your teeth at least!"

Dad disappears before I could respond and I roll my shoulders in annoyance. I really hated the fact that my new school required uniforms, but what could I do. Maybe I'll get used to it after a few days...

I finally bring myself to remove my body from off my warm, comfortable bed and slowly began the process of getting ready for school.

»»———- ⦻ ———-««

So I ended up missing the bus, as expected.

The walk back home was slow and painful considering I had ran like a prison escapee just to catch the bus on time.

As I'm walking, I see my Dad's car pull up and stop beside the sidewalk. He rolled his window down and glared at me.

"Lemme guess. You missed it."

I scoffed, "Trust me, I never missed school a day in my life. Hate that place."

"...Just keep quiet and get in the back."

I stumble over to the back and open the door, hurling myself into the car so I land on the seats on my belly like a penguin. My Dad turns and snaps at me, "(L/N) come on now, stop acting like you're 12! Do you want to be late for school as well?"

"You don't see me in a hurry," I respond, closing the door with my foot. I grin when I heard him grumble and the car took off with me still laying on the seats.

"Give me the directions to your school," Dad ordered, switching on the GPS. "I dunno where it is," I say, lifting up my head. "(Y/N). How do you not know where your own school is?"

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