31 ⦻ Average Pasta Morning

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I stumble out my room the next morning, seeing that some of the others were just waking up as well. "Good morning Walker" Hoodie greeted me as I walked by. "Didya get a good rest?"

"Yeah, how about you," I reply, slightly smiling at him.

"Pretty good. Strange that I woke up this late though..."

I roll my eyes and walk past him, muttering, "It's literally only 6:30 in the morning..."

I head off downstairs and decide to make myself a bunch of toast for breakfast. Once I reach the kitchen though, it looked like everyone had already beaten me there.

"Why on earth is everyone even up this early!?" I exclaim, watching the insane activity going on in the kitchen. "Early bird gets the toast," Toby stepped in front of me with a piece of toast in his mouth and a smirk on his face. "Its 6:30. What the hell is everyone besides you up for?"

"Dunno. Strange, huh? Even BENny b-boi is awake and he likes to sleep in usually." Toby pointed over a BEN who was sitting on the kitchen counter playing the Switch while Jane was next to him getting them some cereal.

"You should be getting your own breakfast," Jane snarled, pulling down the box from the cabinet and glaring at BEN. "I'm too short," BEN replied lazily, not once looking up from his game.

I walked over to them and offered to help Jane out with getting the cereal. "Thanks (Cp/n)!" She sighed in relief, handing me the box for me to pour while she got the milk. "Hey, is there anymore bread left? Former wants some," Former spoke up. "Sorry, Toby got all the last ones," Masky groaned, tending to something on the stove. Toby gave a dark chuckle and stuck his tongue out at Former and Former frowned.

"Doesn't anyone want candy for breakfast??" I heard Laughing Jack question aloud, holding up a handful of candy in his hands. "Me me me me me!!!" Lazari squealed, jumping up and down. LJ gladly poured all his candy on the kids head, laughing while he did so.

"There's way too many damn people up in here," Jeff growled, having trouble trying to escape the kitchen through the crowds. "Want to get on my back then Jeffrey~? I'll carry you?" Offenderman said, placing a hand on Jeff's shoulder with a dark smile.

I finished pouring the cereal for BEN and Jane came back with the milk. "Thanks (Cp/N)," Jane said again, and I nodded, leaving the rest to her.

I spotted Splendorman on the floor, his face twisted in horror and his arms wrapped around his legs that were held up to his chest. "Splendor...?" I whispered cautiously, creeping up to him slowly. "Um. Are...you okay...?"

"We're...we're out of Lucky Charms..." The slender brother whimpered, shaking as he stared at the floor. You frowned, "Didn't I just buy cereal when I went to the store- you know what nevermind, I'll just go out a buy you some more later Splenor..."

"W-Would you really, (Y/N)?"

Splendor's face suddenly turned gleeful and he jumped up, hugging me tightly. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!"

"You're welcome, Sp-Splendor-!" I gag, almost choking in his squeeze. He noticed my state and gently put me down, then patting my head. I was about to turn and walk away when I come face to face with Nina. "(Y/N), I'm hungry...but there's so many people here that I can't even get into the kitchen to see what there is to eat!! Could you help me~?" She asked, clasping her hands together.

"Alright fine, follow me," I sighed, beginning to lead her back to the crowded kitchen. I quickly get on my knees and start crawling on the ground underneath everyone that was there, and Nina followed me doing the same. Eventually, we make it to what I think is the pantry and I pull myself up again, pressing myself against the door. I spot Nina fighting to crawl through, and I grab her arms, pulling her up and beside me.

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