Return to Life With The Creepypastas: 11 - Somebody Wake Me From This Nightmare

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- - - SlenderMan's p. o. v. - - -

I was standing outside the front of the mansion, waiting patiently for those four boys to return with Ally, but after it having been more than an hour, I start to get truly worried.

I trusted her enough to be safe outside on her own, but her emotions still weren't the greatest when it came to controlling her powers. If anything had gone wrong out there, she could be causing a lot on unnecessary trouble.

The mansion doors open and I see Sally sticking her head out again for the fifth time, eager to see the sight of her friend. "Still no Ally, huh?" Sally sighed. "No my child. Be patient," I respond.

"I don't trust Jeff BEN and LJ to find anything, Slender..." Sally muttered, coming out and standing beside me. "Do not worry, Jack is with them—the eyeless one."

"Ah, the smart, actually likable Jack? Okay."

I chuckled at this and rested my palm on her head. Sally looked up at me and narrowed her eyes, "Once they find Ally are they gonna look for (Y/N)? Orrrr are (Y/N) and Ally lost together?"

I faced down to her, titling my head, " you mean (Y/N)? (Y/N) has been missing?"

Sally pursed her lips at me for a long time before frowning, "Slen-dey!!!"

"I—I had no idea (Y/N) had been missing, why has no one told me!? And how long have they been gone?"

"It's been two days at this point, Slendey!"

"In my defense, there's way too many of you to keep track of."

Sally huffed and crossed her arms at me. My tendrils lowered to the ground, "Now now don't be cross with me Sally. Now that I know Walker is missing, I will find it that the four search for them as well."

Sally rolled her eyes and scowled, "And you guys wonder why (Y/N) gives up trying sometimes, you guys act like you just don't care!!"

With that, the girl turned and ran back into the mansion, slamming the door. I heaved a heavy sigh and folded my arms behind my back.

I truly had no knowledge of (Y/N) having left the mansion and to follow up had gone missing. If things get serious, and the four cannot find them, I myself may have to get involved and find out what is going on.

- - - (Y/N)'s p. o. v. - - -

It feels like forever that I'm stuck staring up at the doctor and the endless ocean of tree tops as we ran through what I've now identified as rather desolate woodland located in [REDACTED], [REDACTED]. My body was wracked with pain yet I couldn't show it any way, I had no way of alerting him that all this running was having an excruciating affect on me.

I really wish I could talk...

After a few more minutes, precisely 7 minutes and 24.5 seconds, Dr. Smiley finally stopped running and came to a slow, labored walk. He glanced down at me while panting and smiled, then looked upwards again. "We're almost there, Walker."


I tried to see if blinking would be a way of communicating but it turns out I could only blink very painfully slow, barely noticeable. Of course he didn't notice the attempt either.

I eventually see my view of the trees get cut off by the appearance of what looked like a very wide roof. It appears we walk through an open door and are now inside some sort of building, as I am looking up I can see old and broken rafters underneath a tall ceiling.

I am once again able to identify the area, but it turns out it's only some unknown location in some unchartered place outside of the woods we came from.

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