Return to Life With The Creepypastas: 4 - Puppeteer's Instability

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"Ok Toby ready? Here."

I push forward a plate of two waffles stacked upon each other towards Toby. The twitching man glances between the plate, then at me and frowns.

"I don't want it."

"You...never tried it."

"It looks li-i-ike it tastes like shit."

"You look like shit."

Toby shoved me in the shoulder before sighing and looking back to the plate. He side-glared me, then snatched the fork and knife from my hands and cut a small piece. I watch with growing excitement as Toby goes ahead and consumes a fork-full of waffle goodness.

"Well Toby? How is it? Feeling any different~?"

"'s...." Toby mumbled as his eyes began to widen. "It's......!"

He suddenly grabbed the plate and threw the whole thing, waffles and all into my face. "Horrible. Th-e fucks all th-hat sugar for? L taste, (Y/N-N)."

I don't say anything as the plate falls from my face and crashes onto the ground, and the waffles slide slowly down my cheeks thanks to the syrup. "I get that Toby. But didja hafta throw it in my face?"

"The syrup b-brings out your eyes, dearest (Y/N)," He chuckled, throwing me some finger guns before waltzing out of the kitchen.

"This is my life," I sigh pulling the food off of my face and throwing them in the trash before grabbing and broom to sweep up the broken plate shards.

I'm honestly really happy to be back here in the mansion with everyone but I must've forgotten how much I actually get treated like shit here. Usually it's easy to brush it off or remain relaxed about it all but it's really starting to bum me out. At some point I'm just gonna stop taking people's crap and actually show them the military tactics I've had placed on stand-by...

...Maybe I'm too nice.

Once I finished cleaning up the syrup mess, I went up to my room to tidy my face and grab some clean clothes, then I headed back out and started searching for a pasta I could most definitely trust to not make an idiot out of me.

"Silverrrrr," I called out the entity's name as I poke my head into his bedroom. He seemed to be absent from his room, so I wandered off again to look for him.

As I was making my way downstairs, I spot something that immediately makes me hide behind the wall so that I couldn't be seen, but I would be able to still peep at the downstairs area. I was startled because I saw Dollmaker and Puppeteer walking together away from the Slender Hall, talking to one another.

I frowned as I saw Puppeteer, still unknowing of why he'd treated me like we hadn't ever been best friends before. I hadn't bothered to encounter him ever since he tied me up and left me on the ground...

I peek from the corner to see that my luck was just as peachy as usual and that the two were now making their way up the stairs. I decide to play it cool and casual and walk away as if I were just passing by. I only slightly glance in their direction as I walk by and quickly look away, pretending I'm marching to my room. But to my absolute fortune as I'm making my escape...


I cringe hearing Dollmaker conveniently exclaiming my name and I stop in my tracks, only barely turning my head. "Uhhh yeah...what's up...?"

I hear him approaching me from behind and quickly turn around to be met with him suddenly grabbing my shoulders and smiling madly at me. "I've yet to show you the doll I've created of you, Walker," He stammered in an over-excited tone. "Did you know it took me three months to work on it...??"

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