Return to Life With The Creepypastas: 8 - Chaos With Character =)

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I sit in my room thinking about Slender because I miss Slender when I'm shaken from my thoughts due to a loud knocking on my door.

I open up and—

"Heya (Y/N)? Short as ever I see~"

"Whaddya want, Kremit."

BEN simply grins and shoves past me, waltzing into my room as if it were his. Spyro looks up from where he was watching TV on my bed and starts growling as he sees BEN coming over.

"BEN, I don't know how many times I've had to tell you over my whole entire life span here, STOP BARGING IN MY ROOM!" I shout, storming after the video game pasta.

BEN chuckled and plopped himself on my bed, stretching like it was his, "Relax, Walker. We haven't hung out in a while, have we? What better time than now~?"

"I was enjoying my lizard and my peace and quiet. Zalgo's constant pestering earlier nearly fried my brain today so I'm really not in the mood—"

"'Me me me everything's about me I'm the Walker it's my world the world revolves around me!' You're not the fucking Sun, (Y/N), stop being selfish and share your time with others for a change."

My eye twitched as I watch BEN reach over and poke Spyro's tail while laughing.

Spyro suddenly retaliated and lashed around, chomping down on BEN's arm. I jumped for a moment as BEN screamed, thinking my komodo actually knawed his arm, but BEN's scream quickly turned into laughter and he pixelated his arm through the komodo's mouth, setting his arm free.

"BEN you're an idiot."

"You tell me that everyday, come up with something new."

Before I could respond to BEN, I noticed a shadow appearing at the window of my room. For a moment, it looks like someone or something was trying to break in, and so I immediately dash over to the spot. However, before I reach it, the window frame gets flung open and in tumbles some random strange little kid.

"What the hell?" BEN scoffed, hopping up from my bed and coming up behind me to see what had just broken in through my window. I stare down in confusion as this messy brown haired kid slowly pulls themself up from the ground and crooks their head up at me. They wore a green sweater with a single yellow stripe through the center and brown pants, along with a red heart pendant hanging around their neck. Their...face...seemed pretty weird...? Looked more like an emote than an actual face to be honest. Their 'eyes' flashed from black to red upon looking up at me and their mouth stretched into an unsettling smile.

"It's you!"


BEN chuckled and smacked me on the back as he gazed down at the kid, "Hey again Chara, it's been a while~"


The kid that looked very much identical to the video game character blinked at me and tilted their head, "Just how dense are you? Would a cosplayer be able to easily break into such a heavily protected property?"

"...You don't understand how desperate some of those fangirls are."

'Chara' rolled their eyes and dusted their sweater off before glaring at me again, "You're (Y/N) The Walker, aren't you? You're the one who sacrificed yourself to the cube to save the multiverse?"

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