7 ⦻ It's KageKao

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- - - Your P. O. V. - - -

KageKao led me straight to the stairs and up into is bedroom. He loudly slammed the door behind us once we were in, and looked at me, his mask forming a big smirk.

I look away from him and saw that the other guy, Former was there too, sitting on KageKao's bed and grinning at me when we showed up.

"Did Kate catch you two?" Former asked, and KageKao shook his hand triumphantly, shutting the door. "Not a glimpse! I took new guy just in time."

"What about Kate? Did she tell you guys to leave me alone or something?" I ask, and KageKao nods, leaning and whispering to me, "After you apparently went off with Slende-sama, Kate and the proxies told the two of us to back off on trying to sneak you with us when you returned, so we did it anyways."

I shake my head and chuckle , "You really are a troublemaker." I then take notice that I hadn't seen the inside of Kage's room yet, and I begin looking around.

I walked towards where Former was while taking a look around Kage's big room; the walls and the floors were all pitch black like a movie theater, and there were posters and merchandise from a lot of anime spread all over the place. On the wall, there were also huge weapons I've never seen in my life, but I did recognize the one and only Katana blade placed specially above the rest, it's scabbard portraying a really cool sunset scenery. "Look at this," KageKao said, pointing to two small platforms that were on each side of his TV. He pulls a switch and two holograms appear; one is of Hatsune, Miku and the other is Megurine, Luka the vocaloids. I watched in shock as it changed from them to other characters who were from certain anime, such as Goku, Shinji, Natsu, Naruto, Ciel, etcetera. The characters each had their own 'pose' or phrase whenever their figure appeared, and I spent a long time watching all of them each do their greeting because this thing was amazing.

"KageKao, this is so cool, what on earth? Your room is unbelievable," I say, eventually turning from the holograms and glancing over at the shelf of books(Namely, manga) he had stacked together. "You read KageKao?" I asked, casing him a side glance, and he tilts his head, "I only read manga, regular books are boring! ...Well, at least some are!"

"I'll have to show you a few of my favorites then," I reply, and I go to take a seat on his bed where Former was, "your room takes the cake for me, by the way. Though, it's the only one I've seen inside of, I don't think anyone else could've possible beat this."

KageKao smirked and glanced around at his own room before stating proudly, "My rooms' the best one in the whole entire mansion. You're gonna wish you could live in here."

"BEN would beg to differ..." Former remarked, grinning at KageKao, and the trickster shot his friend an unamused glare.

"Okay shiriai," KageKao said, picking up a remote and turning on his TV. "the three of us, we're about to have a real fun time here so get comfortable. We'll start with watching whatever you want!"

I smile a bit and tell KageKao that we should start with watching (TV Show/Anime/Movie). KageKao searches for my request and Former jumped up from Kage's bed, beginning to head for the door. "Former's gonna get the popcorn," Former exclaimed, walking out the room.

"No, get (Y/N)'s favorite, whatever that is!" Kage yelled after him. "It's (F/F)," I say for him. "And....why does that dude speak in third person?"

KageKao shrugs and mutters, "Former-kun can speak in first person perfectly fine, but it's a strange habit he managed to develop. If you listen carefully he slips up and speaks normally in first sometimes."

"Strange habit indeed," I mutter, and I take a sit next to KageKao on his bed as the streaming began to start.

Former eventually comes back with my (F/F) as something for us to eat and we spend hours sitting in Kage's room just eating junk and watching movies and anime and Tv together till it probably got late.

It was turning out to be a better first day at the mansion, than it initially was, especially since these guys were seemingly already becoming my new friends.

KageKao's really funny, and he seems to know a lot about the stuff we were watching, and we were binging on a lot. It was like he already watched every single thing in existence..although for the most part he kept very quiet. He seemed to be thinking about something.

Former's not as talkative as Kagekao, but he's pretty nice and I could tell by the way they talked to each other and acted that they were good friends. His speaking in third person is kind of annoying, but we all have our own weird habits, so I didn't bother him about it.

I'm just glad that we were able to connect with each other more by simply having the same interests.

- - - Kagekao's P. O. V - - -

As we were all hanging out together, and just having fun, I was also deeply wondering what the new pasta thought of me.

Every time a newbie comes, the other pastas always get to them first and everyone has a thing of turning them against me. So what if I'm a notorious trickster that causes a ridiculous amount of trouble in the mansion and pisses off Slende-same? I have feelings too! Zannen desunee....

New kid didn't seem to dislike me so far; they seemed to actually be having fun hanging with me and Former. I'm thinking maybe I can get them to join me and Former-like the three of sticking close together; they could become like us! I already know Kate-chan won't let that happen though, so I might have to slowly turn new kid to our side-secretly...Kekeke!

   It also might be hard to get them because they're going to be a proxy of Slende-sama, but I'm great at being sneaky so I could still find a way...Kekekeke....

I glance over at new kid for about the hundredth time we've been here together and they're engrossed in the episode of (whatever) we were watching. I'm contemplating asking them what they thought of me, but why interrupt them at a moment like now?

I sigh and keep quiet, continuing to watch with my two friends when my door suddenly bursted open and of all people, Kate obviously storms in. The three other fucking proxies were with her as well. Tadasubarashi...

"KageKao," She hissed icily while me, Former, and (Cp/N) turned to the sound her entrance. "What?" I hiss back.

"Why's the Walker in here?"

"We were just hanging out with them, Is There A Problem?"

"Yes there is a problem because we told you to leave them alone."

(Cp/N) glare over at Kate and gave her a strange expression, "Leave KageKao alone, I came with him on my own will. If it's so important, I'll leave with you, just don't get mad at him."

The newbie then stood up and walked over to Kate and the proxies. I have it in mind to pull (Cp/N) back, but I didn't want to start anything with Kate, as she seemed really insistent on keeping them away from me.

I make the most pitiful expression I possible could on my mask and soften my voice, glaring at (Cp/N), "You're not leaving us now, are you (Y/N)-sama?"

(Cp/N) looks like they fell for my pity face and they glanced to me with a yearning look to stay. "I mean...we were just watching TV together. There's nothing wrong with that," (Cp/N) exclaimed, glimpsing at Kate. "We don't have a problem with that! It's just Kage in general!" Masky spoke up.

"Rude," I muttered.

Former looked like he wanted to say something, but he only remained quiet, watching Kate darkly. I groan and turn from her, deciding not to pick an argument with her tonight. "Just go with her, shiriai. We could always do this another time," I say, giving (Cp/N) a slight smile beneath my mask.

"You bet we will. Thanks Kage," They replied, dipping their head to me, "I had fun with you guys."

(Cp/N) returned my smile with a much brighter one, leaving me even more determined to get them on our side. Imagine a cool freak like them hanging around with me and Former; it'll leave all the others as jealous bastards! Kekekekeke!

I watched with a grin on my mask as Kate and the proxies made (Cp/N) follow them and the group then exited my room. I looked over at Former and he glanced at me. "What?"

"We've got work to do, Former."

"We do? What work?"

I grin and my mask forms a dark expression, "We get (Cp/N) to become like us! We're going to get them on our side! Kekekekekeke...."

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