13 ⦻ A Surprise :)

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- - - KageKao's P.O.V - - -

I heard a loud knock at my door and quickly opened it up to see Jeffreak there, wearing a suspicious smirk.

"What do you want you smiley bastard," I asked, tilting my head. "Help, Kage. You're the prank lord, aren't you? Why don't you make yourself useful and give me and the guys a hand in torturing the newbie," Jeff replied.

"What? Why?"

"Why not? Isn't going full-blown terrorizing on a newcomer the best way to enjoy it? We set them off the edge enough and they'll probably leave the mansion crying their ass off. Or just die."

Indeed, unleashing the full blown wrath of being a trickster on newcomers is one of the highlights of my time here at Slende-sama's mansion, but I couldn't possibly do that to (Y/N)-san. I liked them, and for once I actually wanted to befriend a newcomer instead of leave their corpse hanging from string on a ceiling.

"I don't feel like it. Leave (Y/N)-sama alone," I told Jeffreak, my mask forming a scowl. Jeff glared at me for a long time before shrugging and stuffing his hands into his hoodie. He then pulled the card he knew I couldn't resist.

"Fine fine, don't help if you don't want. Just know you passed up on us rewarding you three cases of wine..."

My eyes widen and I immediately spring at Jeff, hugging him from behind tightly, "JEFF-SAMA! I'LL HELP YOU PLEASE!!! GIVE IT TO ME!!!"

Jeff chuckled and nodded, lightly tapping my head, "Good, stupid little trickster. I knew you'd give in~"

- - - Your P.O.V - - -

Something's not right with the force and someone is about to fucking do something, I can feel it.

I recalled getting a whole bucket of blood dumped on me earlier and looked around myself, half expecting someone to target me again. Everyone around me seemed to be minding their own business, for now, but I didn't trust them. Especially not the three stupidteers, Jeff and his dumb friends who happen to think humiliating me is funny.

I had taken the time to finish off meeting everyone in the mansion, and at this point I knew who and who not to trust. Fortunately for me, a lot more people here accepted me than hated me.

Speaking of, one of the Creepypastas were now watching me concerned, seeing I was looking all over the place with an alarmed expression. "Are you ok, (Y/N)?" The golden-eyed emo looking killer, Puppeteer asked, stepping up to me. "You seem...tense."

"I'm fine. For now," I respond, slumping my shoulders, "but I feel like some of the other killers are out to get me, you know?"

"I'm assuming Jeff," Puppteer sighed, "he does the same thing to all of us when we were new to the mansion. But once you get through his initial behavior towards you in the beginning, he'll start to leave you alone. He just has trust issues..."

"Yeah and I do too, that's why I'm waiting for him to show up and show out whatever he's planning," I respond. Puppeteer remained quiet for a while before questioning me again, "Can I help you? You know, in case he attacks you or anything?"

I look at him a bit confusedly, wondering why this guy wanted to help me when I've just met him. I wasn't used to this kind of kindness; why can't people in school and in the outside world be this nice? I'm surprisingly being treated better by psychopathic murderers (most of them) than my own classmates at school.

"Yeah, you can help....thanks," I finally answer, nodding my head. Puppeteer seemed relieved that I accepted his offer and stood by me, looking around for anything that seemed off. I was just downright looking out for Jeff.

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