23 ⦻ Slender's Missing 1st Grade Draiwngs

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(Y/n)'s p. o. v.

For some reason today, Masky and Kate didn't show up in Kate's room to wake me up at their ridiculous training hours.

Which was fine by me because that meant more sleep!

....Buuuuuuuuut no, of course things didn't actually turn in my favor because Hoodie was the one that came today and he physically hurled me out of bed.

"Hoodie whHYYYYyyyy...." I groaned in pain after I flew to the side and smacked the floor. "Sorry Walker, Masky told me not to be soft on you this morning," Hoodie apologized, walking around and lending out a hand to help me up. "Aren't you the leader, why are you listening to him?" I grumble, taking his hand and allowing him to help me up.

"Because everyone knows you don't anger men with sideburns."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh fuck the sidebu—!"

"Is the rookie up?"

The sound of Masky's sudden rough voice from the door of the room caught me off guard and my first reaction was to stumble forwards and grab Hoodie out of shock, expecting Masky to have heard me run my mouth and I was now going to pay the price.

"See Hoodie, you summoned him with all that sideburn talk," I whispered, looking at his mildly amused grin.

Hoodie rolled his eyes and lightly shoved me off of him, "Yeah they're up alright, already running their mouth. However we don't have training today Mask, what's the big deal?"

Masky waltzed over to us with his arms folded over his chest; he had his mask on, concealing his face unlike Hoodie, but I could just feel the smug expression that was plastered on his face.

He strode right up to me and bent slightly to my level, coming face to face with me.

"I know we don't. However this little neophyte is gonna be one of us, right? They'd better shape up and get used to constantly waking up at this time~."

I heard Masky chuckle under his mask, probably aware that he was slightly triggering my nerves, but I only smirk at him and tilt my head, "How would you like it if I tore those sideburns off your—"

"That's enough kid," Hoodie sighed, slapping his gloved hand over my mouth. "I get you think you're big stuff now that you're officially one of us but you'd ought to watch it."

I huffed and crossed my arms before muffling a small "fine" beneath Hoodie's hold. Masky staraightened up and scoffed, "I swear, if this 'Walker' ends up being another Toby situation I'll..."

Hoodie gives Masky a hard stare that causes the other man to gradually trail off before he could finish what he was saying.

Me, being generally tired and saddened by being awoken so miserably, slowly dragged myself away from the two higher ranking proxies and out of Kate's room.


So after clearing with Ticci-Toby, apparently there really isn't any training today...which part of me thinks is stupid because I just started on this whole journey but at the same time another day to just keep to myself sounds great.

I decided I wanted to think of something really stupid and pointless to ask SlenderMan just to piss him off for fun.

You know, for 'shits and giggles, teehee'.

"Slenders," I walk up to him in his little office with a straight face.

"What, (CP/N)..."
He sounded like he knew what was coming and was already done.

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