52 ⦻ The Half-Ass "War"

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I'm so painfully sick of this story that it took me months to finally touch this again. The chapter is rushed and you can tell I genuinely lost interest. I'm sorry, dear readers. Might rework the future, dunno.

- - - (Y/N)'s p. o . v - - -

So my initial plan was to find a place to hide for a bit and analyze the enemy throughly, then pick a target to start off with. Running into battle blindly like the others seemed like an awful idea, especially since Zalgo and his strongest were all on the frontlines.

However, my plan was completely thrown off when I see some demons immediately running towards me with their weapons. The problem with these things were, they looked human-like—except more demonic, and I was really expecting them to be kickable little shits that would be easy to fend off but I guess not.

It was three of them that tried jumping me, but I squeeze the cube close to me and force it to reform itself into a full body shield, covering me on all sides. They collide with the shield and frustratedly begin trying to break through it.

I glare at them and yawn, beginning to walk off with the shield still protecting me.

I cross by Masky who had just ripped a demon's face off its body with the sharp edge of his crowbar and he kicks them down before turning to me and yelling, "Walker! Stop abusing the cube, don't you remember what Slender said!?"

"Yeah I do, and you're not Slender," I respond, passing him by and accidentally leading those other three demons who were trying to attack me onto Masky and they go for him since he was unprotected like me.


Anyways, since the demons were off me I dissolve the shield and take ahold of its cube form again. I hear a loud scream and quickly jolt around seeing Sally on the ground holding her hand up in fear as a demon hovered over her about to strike her with a mace.

I immediately dash over and reform the cube into a metal bat. "Aaaaaaaand home run!" I shout, twisting my body and throwing all my force into smacking the living shit out of the armed demon. The demon yelped as the bat collided with its face and sent it flying across the forest. "(Y/N)!" Sally cried, quickly pulling herself up and hugging my leg.

"No time to celebrate Sally, we're being surrounded. Quick, hop on," I order her as I see more fiends running at us. Sally quickly hops onto my back as I lower myself to the ground and I reform a machine gun with the cube this time. As I was already on the ground, I instantly start mowing down the fiends that were approaching us. They went down like pathetically placed dominoes. Once they were all down, Sally squeezed my neck and I quickly got up from the ground, starting to run off with her on my back. I reformed the cube into a Zweihander so I could slash through enemies as we ran.

"(Y/N), we have to help Slendy!" Sally cried aloud. "Slender's holding off Zalgo on his own right now. We have to get rid of these lesser demons first, otherwise they'll overpower us," I growl, running an axe wielding demon through with my sword.

A bullet suddenly soars past my head and I turn seeing Hoody shooting in my direction. I whirl around and see that he'd shot down enemies that were sneaking up on me and Sally from behind. "Watch your area, Walker!" He warned, switching his aim to more that were sneaking up on his side.

I nod and hurry to Hoody's side to help him fend off the crowd of enemies that were ganging up on him. A fight circle of Creepypastas began to form around me and Hoody as Zero runs forwards to us and swings her sledgehammer around, bludgeoning the demons that were close by her. Jeff barrels himself into one of the fiends, knocking it over and laughs as he begins mercilessly gutting it on the ground with one of his bigger knives. Eyeless Jack was darting from foe to foe, tackling them and easily slashing out their insides with his scalpel and tearing into them with his sharp teeth.

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