Return To Life With The Creepypastas: 5 - Komodo Fren

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• I'm just gonna publish this and hope it went well. 💀

"Today you will all be assigned new rooms and roommates," SlenderMan said with quite an attitude.

Slender and Spender had all of us Creepypastas gathered in the living room since they had to make 'an announcement' I guess this was it.

I raised my hand as the other pastas start talking amongst themselves in disapproval of this new order.

"What, Walker."

"What's with the attitude, General?"

"...(Y/N) I'm not in the mood today for your mouth, please shut up."

"Why ya gotta be so rude..." Toby half sang while snickering and some of the others chuckled around him, causing Slender to clench his fists. Spender snarled and tapped his cane against the floor, "Listen rugrats, I don't have enough funds to keep supporting your numerous, lazy bums to live in my prestigious household! Rather than waste more money on extra rooms and bedding, you will all learn a fancy lesson in sharing!"

"And what's your problem?" I ask aloud, eyeing Spender. "Did someone frisk you today or what?"

Spender pointed at me "You. You're sleeping in the basement, like the rat you are!"

"Spender, that's unnecessary," Slender sighed rubbing his head as if he were annoyed, "everyone of you just please be quiet and actually hear what we have to say. This new arrangement will be for the better for all of us. There will be extra room in the mansion and you will get a chance to share with your fellow pasta. I can assure you that you will all only benefit from this change."

"Do you know if there will be leftovers? You know, like some of us who will end up without a roommate and get to keep their room to themselves?" Skully asked. "There will only be one leftover at most, if it comes down to it," Slender responded, which got everyone talking again.

"God I hope it's me. Please be me," I heard Masky muttering to himself from beside me. I smirked and raised my hand, "Hey Slenders can I be with Masky!"

"What??" Masky nearly choked out, spinning on me while sounding exasperated. "I will be making the choices here, please settle down," Slender sighed.

I grinned cause I only said it to trigger Masky and it worked. "I'll strangle you one day, Walker," Masky scoffed, reaching and playfully wringing my neck. "You may as well, a lot of people have been doing that lately," I shrug.

"Alright everyone, I will begin with the assigning of rooms," Slender announced. "Please stand by until everyone has been given a space!"

— — —

I ended up being one of the last people to get paired off to a room. I was getting excited because I was starting to think I was going to be the lucky duck that got a room all to themselves.

Most everyone else that had already been paired off had gone upstairs to either go fight off their roommate or settle peacefully with their new roomie. I recall being anxious the whole time Slender called out someone like Jeff or Kagekao, as those would be the last two fools I'd want to be roomed with. BEN had also been standing beside me the whole time with a huge smirk on his face and his elbow propped up on my head as if he were expecting Slender and Spender to put us together. Luckily, to his dismay, the towering failure got put up with Glitchy Red, so he wasn't my problem anymore.

"Still showing up in your room uninvited, don't care," BEN scoffed at me before he dragged himself unwillingly to the stairs with Glitchy moaning and groaning in annoyance behind him.

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