28 ⦻ School Massacre (pt. 1)

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千卄乇 尺工ㄒ乙 "ritz kid" - jokepasta by 1-800-CAMERAMAN & VikingMetalToby

(y/n)'s p. o . v.

I woke up the next morning after offing my parents with BEN feeling ticked off and miserable and I was already not in the mood for anything.

I drag myself out of my bed and walk to my closet. Instead of my normal creepypasta clothes and gear, I pull on a gray hoodie and and black jeans, along with dark gray shoes. I know this basic edgy look style pisses Trender off but I honestly didn't care right now.

I pull the hood over my head and quickly enter my bathroom to brush your teeth, then I head out of my room.

Half of everyone was still sleeping or hunting but most of the doors in the great hall were closed. I glance at the broken clock that decorated ClockWork's door and see that it's 6 in the morning. I sigh and stumble down the great hall and to the steps, careful not to make too much noise to wake anyone up.

Once I was downstairs, I see that very few pastas were up with me. The kitchen wasn't a mess or crowded with the mansion's idiots, so I was easily able to walk in and quickly make myself some cereal. While I was sitting down eating the cereal, I remember the proxies telling me that it was the duty of proxies to do stuff like grocery shopping or getting needs for the other killers. Since I really didn't feel like running into anyone or talking to anyone today, I decide that maybe I could go to the store and get some more cereal for everyone, since I had actually just taken the last of it.

Once I was done eating, I hop off the kitchen stool and start for the door. I notice Glitch Red was on the couch playing video games and he turns to me as I passed by. "Good morning slender's pet," He said tauntingly. "Where you going?"

"Far far away from you," I reply, not once looking over at him. I notice Laughing Jack was blocking the front door and walk up to him questioningly. "What....what're you doing?"

"Oh! Good morning (CP/N)! You see , this old lad's trying to see if he could possibly fill up the whole mansion with candy, starting with the very front! Isn't that great?? Heheheheh!"

"That....makes no sense," I sigh, shaking my head. "Also, you're going to make Slender mad for making a mess, and you're sort of in the way."

"Then I'll allow you to pass, hehe!" He said, moving aside some of the candy he had piled and opening the front doors for me. "You be careful out there, kiddie~!"

"No promises," I respond before walking out of the doors. I start walking into the woods when suddenly something grabs my arm, causing me to jump.

I immediately turn, seeing Toby grasping my arm. "What, Toebee."

"Ehm.....hi W-Walker! Whatcha doinnn?"

"...Going to get cereal at the store."

Toby tiled his head at me. "By yourself? Do you even know where to go?"

"No but I'm taking guesses"

Toby shook his head at me against my will began pull me in another direction. "What are you doing and what do you want?" I asked tiredly.

"To get y-you to the store more efficiently than walking!"

I watch as Toby pulls me to a huge shed on the far back right side of the mansion that I had never seen before. We walk inside and I see Hoodie in there, working beneath a broken up , blue painted old looking van.

"It's still not ready to be used?" Tony asked, alarming the working proxy. "There's uh still a few kinks I need to work out, but other than that it's pretty much ready to go. Why?" Hoodie responded.

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