16 ⦻ Couple of Sillies Take You "Hunting"

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I was sitting on the couch now, trying to cool off from when I got so worked up when confronting Jeff.

But, it was hard to actually relax with the 9 foot tall Happypasta now sitting in front of me blocking the TV, trying to get my attention.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay? (Y/N), why do you look mad? Would you like a piggy back ride? Want me to sing for you? (Y/N)? (Y/N)?"

I didn't want to be rude to SplendorMan, but I was tired, ticked, and I just wanted to be left alone.

Grinny Cat came by and hopped into my lap, walking a circle a few times before getting comfortable and forming a cat loaf.

"(Y/N) ain't in the mood right now, can't you see Splendor? Leave them alone."

"But I want to make them happy! D:"

"I heard Sally and Lazari fighting over a stuffed doll in their room. Why don't you go and help with that?"

".... I shall! Don't worry (Y/N), I'll be back to cheer you up!" SplendorMan said, getting up and patting my head, then heading for the upstair rooms.

"Thanks Grin Grin," I sigh, petting the cat lightly on the head. Grinny purred in response and rested his head on his paws.

I try relaxing again when someone purposely steps in front of the TV, blocking my view.

I just stare at his black hoodie as if I was staring through him. But after a while of being blocked from the screen, I get annoyed and mutter, "You gonna move or what?"

"I wasn't planning to unless you said something."

"What do you want me to say?"

"I just wanted you to aknowledge my presence. Nothing more."

The masked male then moved and came to sit beside me on the couch. He sits back and looks at the TV too.

I look at him and frown, "What do you want, EJ?"


"... Then why are you here? Next to me? Maybe you forgot about earlier?"

"No no, I didn't forget."

He casually sits back still, watching TV.

I stare at him in disbelief. Man. This blind fucker better apologize or else I'm-

"I'm sorry," He spoke, slowly turning to me. "For joining Jeff and BEN in their stupid little plan. I didn't want to at first but... I dunno, I guess I was just bored."

"You were bored," I repeat, unconvinced by his excuse. "Well... Sort of. At first. But then there was that incident where you twisted my arm and all.... I was kinda pissed at you as well. "

"That was bad on my part, I guess," I say. "But why are you apolgizing to me all of a sudden?" "BEN told me err... you were on the verge of murdering Jeff and he sqeuaked our plans to you. Plus, just the right thing to do."

"Ah," I mutter, turning back to the TV. I wasn't sure wether to fully forgive him or not. I'm thinking on seeing how they act for the next few days, then I could see if they were sincere or not. They shouldn't expect forgiveness to come easy.

"You're not bad, (Y/N). I mean, if you could escape from Slender's Dungeon alive like you did, then you must be a big deal of a use here," EJ said.

"... Yep, that's me...." I chuckle nervously. "Escaping dungeons n shit like a pro...heh."

Grinny Cat's head rose and the cat looked up at me. "Keep it down, would ya? Cats tryingta sleep, " He meowed tiredly. I nod and pet his head against so he lowers his head to sleep.

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