34 ⦻ Alt World Creepypasta

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A/N: Honest warning, past this chapter the story actually gets really bad. Don't say I didn't warn you.

I wake up one morning to the sound of loud thunder outside and it feels almost like the whole mansion is shaking.

Yawning, I roll out of bed and head out of my room to face whatever was in store for me today.

The first thing I'm met with as soon as I step out of my room is...Rogue.

The eldest proxy suddenly runs at me from out of nowhere and grabs me up in her arms, hugging me tightly. "Walker! Little buddy, guess what!?" She exclaimed, crushing me.

Considering Rogue doesn't live here at the Slender Mansion, I was a bit shocked to see her again-I thought she would've left after the incidents with the slenders. "What is it???" I gasp, trying to fight for air.

She quickly puts me down and lifts up her mask, only revealing her mouth which was forming an excited grin. "Some of us other killers are going to be living here at the Slender Mansion now! That includes...me!"

"Oh ...really?" I respond, my body feeling like it was broken now. "How come? And how many more of you exactly...."

"A mansion this big made for killers? Doesn't make sense that we're all separated, so Master invited us all to come and stay here!-Well...more like Master's brother Spelndor did, but it's all the same."

Well that's just what we need right? More Creepypastas and more chaos. It's never a boring day here.

I look down the hallway and see a few pastas that aren't apart of our normal crowd going around; creeps like Nightmare Ally, Nathan the Nobody and more.

"We'll that's fun," I respond to Rogue, "hope you have fun living here."

"Oh I will. Especially now that I get to be around my proxy family," She grinned before pulling back down her mask and running off towards the steps. I decide to follow and maybe find someone I'm used to to stick by because even though we are all Creepypastas here, I still get nervous around big crowds of people and these newcomers I am not used to.

Of course, when I get downstairs the living room is crowded. I spot SlenderMan, TenderMan, and SpenderMan nearby the Slender Hall watching the activity going on in the main room. "Maybe recruiting this many killers to live under my roof was not a good idea..." I heard SlenderMan mutter. "Tell that to my dwindling cash. You should've thought of that sooner, you buffoon," SpenderMan growled at him. "I'll go get the cleaning supplies..." TenderMan sighed, beginning to head off for the kitchen.

I head to the couch and see Masky standing directly infront of the TV; looked like he was trying to block the screen because the weather channel was on and SplendorMan was also present and everyone knows how he gets sensitive about the weather. I step up beside Masky and take a look at the screen with him.

"Bad weather?"

"Yep. The thunders been really loud and it's been pouring really hard all morning. Looks like everyone's gonna be stuck inside for the day."

Both me and Masky sighed as if we were thinking the same thing; trapped inside of the mansion all day with all of these new killer residents.

"Hey!! Get yer behinds out of the way, I can't see the TV! Don't you youngins know that's bad for your eyes???" I heard Old Dan yelling suddenly. And Masky groaned loudly. "Go take your meds and shut it, old man," Masky scoffed, pulling a pack of cigarettes from his pockets and walking off. "I can't deal with you people today..."

I decide to stick with Masky and trail behind him. "Whatcha gonna do, 'The Mask'?"

"What does it look like I'm gonna do, 'The Walker'?"

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