10 ⦻ Trying To Befreind Crazy People (It Don't Work 😔)

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- - - Your P.O.V - - -

The next day, I had woken up before Kate The Chaser, so instead of waiting for her to get up I decided I'd get up and explore a bit by myself. I hoped she wouldn't mind it as I walked over to her desk and grabbed one of her weapons she had laying out; a big black handled knife. I just wanted to be safe; if I'm going to get jumped by a big dog or anyone else in this place, the least I could do is try and defend myself.

I quietly open the door of her room and slip out into the hall, then closing the door carefully behind me. I notice that a lot of the doors in the hall were open, so that meant a lot of the inhabitants were awake. I slowly walk down the hall and down the steps into the living room.

I see Creepypasta that are watching TV,  lounging on the couch, playing, fighting, or just walking around with food. It all looked pretty hectic, but if I wanna gonna live here I ought to get used to it. I was going to start for where I saw the proxies, Hoodie and Masky talking with one another when someone suddenly grabs my arm, stopping me from approaching them.

I turn and see a lady with long black hair and a mask covering their face, along with a short black dress. She tilts her head at me and spoke, "(Cp/N), isn't it? Did you just get up?"

"Yeah, I did.Who're you?"

"I'm Jane The Killer, but I'd prefer you call me Jane."

"Then I'd prefer you call me (Y/N). Kinda getting tired of being called Vagabond Walker and (Cp/N) when I just got here..."

She nodded her head and let go of my arm, "Sure, (Y/N). Unlike half of the others here, I respect your wishes. Now, would you like anything to eat for breakfast? I can bring you to our kitchen."

I didn't even have to think before nodding my head quickly. I hadn't eaten since yesterday morning, and I was starving. Not to mention, thinking about the fact I hadn't eaten made me realize how weak I was actually feeling.  "I could eat, thanks," I reply hazily, nodding my head to her.

She dipped her head and then waved her hand for me to follow behind her. She led me into the kitchen and I quickly shifted over to the fridge curiously. "Want cereal? We have a bunch of different types," Jane told me, opening what was the pantry door. "Cereal works!" I respond, and I grab milk from the fridge.

Jane pulls out (F/C) from the pantry and I thank her while taking it. She hands me a bowl and spoon and I help myself to it's contents. When I was done making myself breakfast, I spot KageKao stride into the kitchen and I brighten up a bit, glancing at him with a smile. "Hi again KageKao."

"Ohayo, (Cp/N)" He responded, stepping up to me and dipping his head. "Uhh...Ohio to you too..? I'm sorry. It's just (Y/N) by the way....how are you doing.?"

"I'm great. You don't happen to be busy today, do you?"

I tilt my head, "I don't think so, why?"

"Then...you should hang out with me and Former again! We'll do other stuff this time, I promise!"

I was drawn by the invitation, but I had to think about the other proxies getting involved again. I already knew they wouldn't be amused. "I'll have to think about it. Slenders might need me or something, I dunno."

"But wait-? Didn't you promise to tell me something about last night?" KageKao exclaimed as I started walking out of the kitchen.

"Oh, right. Its....It's not that big of a deal."

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