27 ⦻ Last (L/N) Standing (rewritting ig)

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(Y/n)'s p. o. v.

I was sitting back in my couch-bed relaxing after coming back with the proxies from another mission.

Staring up at the ceiling of my room, I'm unsure of how to feel. I feel really proud sometimes but at the same time I'm a bit sad.

"Don't be sad, idiot. It's your job now," I hissed underneath my breath, trying to reassure myself. "Killing people is fun~!"

"Hell yeah, you can say that again!!"

"What the f-"

I immediately throw my head over the edge of my bed, looking with eyes wide at where I heard a voice coming from underneath.

I see the little green shit huddled up under there, smirking at me.

"No, I'm actually getting sick of this," I growl, reaching and grabbing him by the locks of his hair, forcefully dragging him out.

"Ow OWW!! (Y/n), let go!!!!" BEN screamed, grabbing my hands in pain. "I'm sorrry!!"

I kept my grip and dragged him all the way to the door of my room, opening it and flinging him out. I then slam the door shut, sighing in annoyance.

Tiredly, I drag myself back to my couch-bed and fall face-first on it. Maybe I'll just go to sleep and sleep off the emotions....


When I wake up, I feel slightly better than I did before. I roll off my bed and slowly leave my room, trying to avoid everyone that was nearby.

I head down the stairs and watch as Sally and Lazari run past me, playing together. "Play with us, (Y/N)!" Sally squeaked at me as she turned around and looked at me. "Can you..?" Lazari asked shyly.

Before I could respond, BEN has the audacity to show up before me again and snaps at the children. "Wait wait! I asked (Y/N) first! They'll play with you guys later."

Both girls sighed in disappointment but quickly ran off to play again. I glared at this idiot, "No dude, you didn't ask me anything. Why do you keep hanging around me anyway? You're giving me more attention than even my own parents ever did..."

BEN smirked and chuckled, "Speaking of your parents, that's what I wanted to bother you about this time. I was curious since that night you ran off with Slender. Did you ever visit your parents again?"

I narrows my eyes. "Huh. I tried to the same night I got here yet you and your dumb smooth brained self got in my way, remember?"

BEN blinked at me as if trying to remember that night he stopped me from running off then cringed, "Id uh...rather forget about that to be honest."


"But seriously though, whatever happened to your parents? Did Slender go back and kill them?"

I would honestly hope not. What reason would General have to go back and off my parents for? He came and got what he wanted...which was me. I'm sure he would've left them in peace...

"I don't think so, BEN. Why do you even care so much?" I sighed. "I was thinking, why go back and see your parents again? See how miserable-or blissful their life if without you? I'll even tag alongside~?"

I scratched my head while grinning at him, "that's actually not half a bad idea, although I'd rather go by myself."

"Aw come on, let me come with you. I promise I'll stop bothering you for the next few days!"

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