24 ⦻ You Finally Get A New Room

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(Y/n)'s p. o. v.

Two weeks go by and I've spent it all stuck in SlenderMan's basement learning how to be a proxy and how to use my new weapon.

Even though it was tiring, boring continuous and repetitive work, I eventually became really good!

Like seriously, I'm sure by this point I'm at an Avengers-level threat.

I still wasn't a beast of a proxy like Kate or Hoodie, but you wouldn't have been able to tell I was ever a normal person before I came here.

It was like I was a killer my whole life or something, or like I was born specifically to do this.

Besides me improving though, it was kind of a lame two weeks because I barely got to see or hang out with anyone else in the mansion because I was always busy.

But Slenders for some reason decided to give me a break since I've done so well, and also to relax before starting my first actual mission.

I was finally going to go out and kill my first victim! Both nerve wrecking and exciting.

I've been thinking about it from the moment I woke up on my break day, which was literally just 30 seconds ago.

It's 4 o'clock in the afternoon now, but come on, these guys have been waking me up at 4:30 am for the past 14 days...

Anyways, I got out of bed thinking about what it's going to be like when I target my first person.

I leave Kate's room only to be met face to face...or well face to torso with TenderMan.

"What happened Sebastian" I asked, not looking up at the butler but just staring at his uniform.

"(Master/Lady) (Y/N), Lord SlenderMan has decided to finally give you your own room. It's just down this Hall at the very end, across from The Puppeteer," He said, moving aside and pointing to a room down the hallway.

"Really? Finally! I can't believe it took him three weeks to finally give me one," I say, relieved to finally have my own room.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind sharing Kate since we're fellow proxies and she's been one of my best friends here so far.

But who wouldn't want to have their own room and space to themselves?

"Thanks for letting me know!" I say to Tender before running past him towards the room.

Puppeteer is standing outside staring at the door for some reason, so I come to him.

"What's up?"

"(Y/N)... your room is across from mine. Isn't that great? Now we can always be close, considering that we're friends..."

I give him an akward smile and nod, "Sure yeah, that's pretty cool. I guess now you don't have to feel so lonely since I'll be right next door. And if you wanna talk or anything just come by. "

Puppeteer smiles and bows his head, muttering, "You're a good friend, (Y/N)..."

This poor dude is great. I give him a friendly pat on the back and then open the door to my new room.

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